Job: Lecturer Position at Kanda University (Chiba)

Thanks to JETAA North Carolina Subchapter Rep Kyle Munn for posting this.
Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12). Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Members of the ELI are normally expected to be at the university from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm or 10.30 am to 6.30 pm, Monday through Friday. During the two semester breaks, each of approximately five to six weeks, lecturers are not typically required to be on campus at all.
All lecturers are involved in the following:
1) A teaching load of eight instruction periods per week, for a total of thirty weeks (two fifteen-week semester sessions) each year; one instruction period is comprised of ninety minutes of contact time in class. Teaching may involve working with students in different departments in the university on a variety of English language proficiency-related courses. Courses include integrated-skills courses for first and second-year students, Foundational Literacies, Advanced Literacies, Media English, Rhetorical Grammar, and English-content elective courses. To give an approximate example, a typical working week comprises 70% teaching, marking and grading, 10% materials development, 10% service and 10% research.
2) Conversing with students in the ELI Lounge and/or consulting by appointment in a skills practice center (e.g. the ELI Writing Center) for up to three hours per week
3) Ongoing collaborative curriculum development work (e.g. materials development, ongoing action research etc.) related to courses taught. Opportunities exist for developing research skills and publishing/presenting work
4) Participation in the ELI Professional Development Program comprising classroom observations and mentoring
5) Attendance of all scheduled meetings and planned activities of the ELI, as well as other special meetings, called from time to time as needed (Functions organized by the ELI include an annual welcome party for Freshman and the administration of an in-house English proficiency exam.)
6) Attendance of special ceremonies and events conducted by the university, including entrance exams, the Entrance Ceremony, the Graduation Ceremony, and Open Campus Day
7) Cooperating with the University’s Public Relations division in promoting the university to high school students and other interested parties (PR activities ordinarily involve additional financial compensation.)
• A Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language, English Education, Applied Linguistics, Language and Literacy Studies, or another closely related field • Significant practical experience in teaching English, particularly in academic contexts and at the post-secondary level • A strong interest in working with Japanese students in both formal and extracurricular settings, together with an interest in Japanese language and culture • A positive, tolerant, cooperative disposition
Highly Desirable:
• Prior experience living and working in Japan • Demonstrated proficiency in the Japanese language • Evidence of scholarly engagement (e.g. research activities, academic publications) • Academic and pedagogical interest in the following areas – Multiliteracies – New Literacy Studies – Discourse and Textual Analysis – Computer Mediated Communication – Semiotic and Ecological Approaches to Learning and Teaching – Assessment, including Progressive and Alternative Approaches – Sociocultural Theory – Learner Autonomy
To apply, please click on the link below or paste the following URL into your browser:
Please i) complete the necessary lecturer application form (including photo) and ii) email it (PDF preferred) together with a covering letter to:
Search Committee English Language Institute Kanda University of International Studies Email address:
For best consideration, applications should be received by: September 10th, 2014.
All applicants will receive an acknowledgement message by email.
Please note that positions for Learning Advisors are also available. For further information, please click on the following link:
– See more at:
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