Job: Local Coordinator for Japanese Exchange Students at Laurasian Institute (Seattle)

Thanks to Daniel Martin (former JETAA Chicago officer, now a Pacific Northwest JETAA officer) who works for the Laurasian Institute on the Kakehashi Project for pointing the hiring folks there to JETwit. This listing, btw, is intended specifically for JET alumni. Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12). Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Help bring Japanese high school students to your community
The Laurasian Institution (TLI) is looking for outgoing, warm-hearted JET alumni to join our team of Local Coordinators for exchange students from Japan. Our students come to the U.S. to attend an American public high school for one year and live with a volunteer American host family. As a Local Coordinator, you will have a key role in creating positive impressions of America, breaking stereotypes, and fostering mutual understanding between Japan and the U.S.
Many JET alumni look for ways to use their experiences in Japan after returning to the U.S. Serving as a Local Coordinator is a great way to stay connected to the Japanese world, and also a chance to bring Japanese culture back to your community in the U.S.
In addition to attending normal high school classes at their American host school, TLI Japanese exchange students act as cultural ambassadors by sharing their Japanese culture in their school and community. Some ways our students get involved include: volunteering in the Japanese language classroom, joining their school’s Japanese culture club, and making presentations about Japanese culture to school and community groups. Bringing Japanese exchange students to your community helps American students to better understand Japanese culture and also help get them excited about learning Japanese language.
In addition to Japanese exchange students, there is also an opportunity to work with exchange students from China, Thailand, and Spain.
Local Coordinator Responsibilities:
- Find host families and quality high schools for exchange students
- Conduct host family and student orientations
- Maintain monthly contact with host families and exchange students throughout the school year
- Submit monthly reports to TLI regarding student progress
- Give support to the student and host family in the case of an emergency
- Up to $1200 stipend per student plus opportunities to earn travel bonuses, such as round trip international plane tickets
- Contributing to greater understanding between Japan and the U.S.
- Bringing Japanese culture back to your community
- Helping a Japanese exchange student realize his/her dream of attending an American high school
As a Local Coordinator, you will be at the very heart of the exchange student program and a true ambassador for international understanding.
Find answers to frequently asked questions, apply online, and upload your resume at our website:
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