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Internship for Japanese Speaker at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Work from Home)

Thanks to JET alum John LeFlore for passing this on. Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12). Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
I am looking for a Japanese-speaking intern over the summer/fall to assist with a project on the future of the nuclear fuel cycle in Japan. The work can be done remotely so the intern could be based anywhere in the world (such as Japan, to pick a country at random). It doesn’t matter much whether the intern has any particular background in nuclear energy issues so long as he/she is bright, details-oriented and reads Japanese with native or near-native level fluency.
This opportunity would suit a Masters or PhD student who wants to get into the policy world. The intern will get great experience, contribute to project with (I hope) real policy resonance, and will get introduced to people who could really help his/her career (assuming the intern does good work, of course!)
The formal advert, with details of how to apply, is available athttps://carnegieendowment.applicantpro.com/jobs/104972.html.
Internship is unpaid.
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