Job: English Speaking Electrical Engineer at JESCO Holdings (Tokyo)

Thanks to Nick Woolsey (CIR Tottori-ken, 2011-13), and engineer who works for Eureka, a sister company of JESCO, for sharing the below opening.
Also, Nick mentioned that he was really grateful that JETwit circulated a previous job listing for positions at Eureka ( According to Nick, over 70 people ended up applying and they hired 16! He added: “When our business partners heard about our success, they also started forming an interest in hiring JETs. Small and medium sized businesses are starting to feel the effects of declining population because the talent pool is not as big as it once was, and if we get started now, JETs will be the ones filling those needs in the future.”
Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12). Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Electrical Engineers at JESCO holdings do a variety of work including client consulting, implementation, physical labor, and maintenance. We also expect our applicants to be able to contribute and assist in facilitating our global expansion through translation and interpretation in the English language as necessary.
Business hours: 8:40-17:30
Salary Range: \235,000 – \300,000 per month (depending on experience)
Paid overtime: 20 hours (included in salary)
Location: Shinjuku, Tokyo (and onsite locations)
Contract type: Contract employee (have the chance to become to fulltime after one year)
Language environment: Japanese
Desired Start Date: Flexible
- Education: University graduate in a field related to electrical science
- Japanese Language: At least JLPT N2 equivalent
- English Language: Native level
- Commitment: Willing to stay in the company for at least 5 years
- Fitness: Willing and being able to do outdoor manual labor
For interested parties fitting this criteria, please email a standardized Japanese resume (履歴書と職務経歴書) as a PDF to the following address:
JESCOrecruit @
Only selected applicants will be contacted. Thank you for your interest!
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