Justin’s Japan: AnimeNEXT Welcomes Idol Luna Haruna

By JQ magazine editor Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) for Shukan NY Seikatsu. Visit his Examiner.com Japanese culture page here for related stories.
Fans of manga, anime, cosplay and J-pop are eagerly awaiting AnimeNEXT, the largest independently organized anime convention in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area.
The annual event, which will be held at the Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset from June 6-8, will feature the debut East Coast performance of Tokyo-based singer and recording artist Luna Haruna, whose songs have appeared in the anime series “Fate/Zero,” “Sword Art Online” and “Monogatari.”
“Last year was Luna’s first time in the States and she made a successful U.S. debut performance at Sakura-Con in Seattle,” says Tomo Tran, a publicist for Sony Music Entertainment (Japan). “Since her debut two years ago, Luna has released five singles and one full album, which have ranked in the top 20 on the Oricon music chart.”
An amateur model and a finalist at the fourth All-Japan Anime Song Grand Prix, Haruna headlined concerts in Tokyo and Osaka earlier this spring.
“Since she really enjoyed her time here last year, we (SMEJ) felt it was great for her to come back and to continue her success,” Tran says. “I hope that fans are pumped up and ready to welcome Luna Haruna this summer!”
Other musicians scheduled to perform at AnimeNEXT include J-punk band ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D and Chipocrite, who crafts unique soundscapes from original Nintendo Game Boys.
For more information, visit www.animenext.org.
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