JET Alumni Speakers Needed for Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh)

Update 02/13/14: The JASP and Pitt are still seeking speakers for their career event on March 21. Please see the updated details below.
JET alum Amy Boots of the Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania is seeking JET alumni who can travel to Pittsburgh for a day to speak at a Japan-related careers program. Please get in touch with her if you can help with this great opportunity to demonstrate Return On JET-vestment.
Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12). Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania, in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh, will hold a career program for university students in the Pittsburgh area who are interested in a Japan-related career. We are looking for presenters with careers that make use of their Japanese language abilities or interest in Japan and are interested in meeting with college students and recent graduates and discussing their experiences in an informal setting. We are able to pay for transportation, one night at a hotel, and an honorarium for your time.
- Some of the program will be about the JET Program and how it can act as a stepping stone, but people with no JET connections are also invited.
- The program runs Friday afternoon 3/21 including a lunch, short info sessions and discussion panels – all casual so you don’t need to prepare much in advance, we will send a schedule and details.
- You can fly in Thurs night/Fri morning and we can return you Saturday or you can stay till Sunday (You would pay the additional 1 night hotel at your own cost or choose to find local accommodation elsewhere) – if you’ve never visited Pittsburgh, we are a great city with lots of museums, restaurants, etc.
- Pittsburgh JET alumni would also be happy to show you the city on Friday night/Saturday if you are interested, including happy hour and tour.
- If traveling is out of the question, we can also arrange for you to videoconference in on Friday afternoon or early evening, which we can thank you for with a gift or modest honoraria.
We have a lot of students of Japanese language or those with interest in international careers and they love to talk to people outside our normal Pittsburgh circles, and we’d love to discuss the program with you if you’re not sure. We also welcome contacts you may know who would be interested – contact Jenn Murawski or Amy Boots at
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