New JETAA USA Country Representatives Announced

Via Jessyca Wilcox, one of JETAA USA’s three outgoing Country Representatives. This was originally posted by Jessyca to the JETAA USA email list:
As my second year as JETAA US Country Representative comes to a close I wanted to thank all of you for your support and participation in the JETAA community. It has been an absolute joy and incredibly fulfilling experience to serve in this way. I think the goals that got accomplished and the initiatives that were put into place have all been great successes.
Although I am stepping down as Country Rep, with the establishment of the new JETAA USA Bylaws, we will have a JETAA USA Board of Advisors as of this year. I am hoping to continue to work on projects and initiatives in that capacity. I will be turning over my email address to one of the incoming Country Reps tomorrow. As I am still interested in working on JETAA projects, please use my work email address to contact me from hereon out: If we establish email addresses for our Board of Advisors, I will certainly update you.
The incoming US Country Reps are as follows:
- Christina Omori from New England JETAA
- Jennifer Butler from Music City JETAA
- Melissa Chan from JETAA Northern California
The talents and skill sets these women bring to the organization will be extremely beneficial to the organization! Outgoing Country Reps are ensuring that the transition goes smoothly and are assisting in the appointment of the newly established JETAA USA Advisory Board. Outgoing Country Representatives are:
- Jessyca Wilcox from Rocky Mountain JETAA (CR 2010-2012)
- Megan Miller-Yoo from JETAA New York (CR 2011-12)
- Mike Shu from JETAA Northern California (CR 2011-12)
(They intend to retire to a remote beach in the Pacific islands where drinks with umbrellas in them are plentiful.)
Thank you again for all your support and I look forward to continuing to work with you all in my capacity as a member of the JETAA USA Board of Advisors.
Jessyca Wilcox
JETAA USA Country Representative (outgoing)
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