Volunteer English conversation partners for the City of New York

Via Steven Horowitz and googlegroups. Posted by Geneva Marie (Niigata-ken 2008-09) Geneva is a sometimes contributor to both JetWit and JETAANY. Geneva is on a continuous (epic) search for Japanese -related jobs in the United States.
***Note: If you apply for this position, please let them know you learned of it from JETwit. Thanks.***
Job Position:Volunteer English conversation partners for the City of New York
Job Description/Details:We Are New York are looking for volunteer English conversation partners for the city of New York. Conversation group facilitators can give back to their communities by devoting just 30 hours of their time!
How does The WANY Project work?
Partnering community organizations (churches, schools, senior centers, CBOs, etc.) are responsible for recruiting at least 20 immigrants around their neighborhoods to participate in conversation groups. Organizations are in charge of providing adequate space to hold the conversation groups, as well as a DVD player and viewing screen for each session.
Volunteers travel to our partnering community organizations and help immigrant New Yorkers practice English by leading conversation groups at those sites. Volunteers are provided with free expert training from the Mayor’s Office before being placed in a conversation group. Volunteers use the WANY television series, as well as free professional curriculum as a platform for discussion in the groups.
How To Apply: In order to successfully complete the program, volunteers must:
-Attend six hours of training before placement leading a group; there is also a 3-hour refresher training held after the third session.
-Lead 10 two-hour conversation groups
-Comply with weekly reporting requirements.
We Are New York provides a social, dynamic, and community-oriented experience that offers JET ALT applicants the following benefits:
-Flexible scheduling with morning, evening and weekend placements in all five boroughs
-Opportunity to teach English in an informal setting with high-quality curriculum developed by CUNY Language and Literacy Program Director and staff
-Opportunity to fully integrate in immigrant communities around New York and to enrich the lives of adult immigrants around the city and much more!
For more information, future training dates in different boroughs, and to register to lead a conversation group, please go to: http://www.nyc.gov/LearnEnglish or email info@wany.nyc.gov
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