JET Alumni Freelancers Career Panel (NYC)

Originally posted to the JETAANY website:
Are you freelancing? Thinking about freelancing? Want to meet and hear from other JET alum freelancers? Then join us for the first ever JET Alum Freelancers Career Panel! We know it’s a tough economy out there, and many of us are now freelancing, whether by design or involuntarily. It’s high time to get together, talk about it, learn from each other and help each other out.
When: Monday, March 5, 6:30pm – 8:00 pm
Where: Japan Local Government Center (aka CLAIR NY) – 3 Park Avenue, 20th Floor (34th & Park, entrance on southeast corner)
RSVP to: Steven Horowitz – stevenwaseda [at] (Please feel free to tell me a little more about yourself, your situation, and what you might be looking for.)
Note: Drinks and light snacks will be provided. (But feel free to bring your own food and to eat during the panel)
The Panel:
Moderator: Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) – Steven is the founder of the Writers Interpreters Translators (WIT) Group that evolved in JETwit. In addition to being a full-time grant writer, he is also does freelance writing for law firms, has done work for the Ford Foundation, and is the creator of the Bankruptcy Bill cartoon series. (http://stevenwaseda.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
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