JETAA Chapter Beat, JETAA Chapters
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JETAA Chapter Beat 2.6.12

Jonathan Trace (Fukuoka-ken, 2005-08) takes us on a walk around the JET Alumni community for another edition of JETAA Chapter Beat.
- Oshaberi Cafe – Sunday, February 12th, 2:00 at Once Upon a Milkshake. Oshaberi Cafe is an effort to foster interaction between JETAA members and the Japanese community in Singapore. Bring your Japanese speaking friends, and share in the conversation and games
- Norwegian Wood Movie Night – Tuesday, February 7th, 6:45 at Kabuki Theater in Japantown. Based on Haruki Marukami’s novel, Norwegian Wood will be showing at Kabuki from now until the 9th. JETAANC is getting a group together to see it this Tuesday, so don’t miss your chance.
- Kabuki on Film: The 47 Ronin Project – This is a year long exploration of the original Kabuki version of the popular tale. Beginning last Sunday, the JETAANC and San Mateo Kabuki clubs are teaming up to bring you two different celebrated productions of the complete epic on film. Screenings begin at 1:30 at the San Mateo Japanese American Community Center.
- Joshikai Pre-Valentine’s Day Networking Event – Thursday, February 9th, 6:00 at Muka. Joshikai is a networking group for Japanese women and women with connections to Japan. Migle, chat, and share stories with other women in English and Japanese over snacks and wine.
- JBook Meeting – Monday, February 27th, 6:30 at the Japan-America Society of Washington, DC. This month’s selection will be Roshomon and the Seventeen Other, but Ryunosuke Akutagawa. As this is a collection of short stories, this is a perfect chance to see what JBook is all about without having to read everything.
- Kaiwa – Thursday, February 9th and 23rd, 5:30 at 43 Below. Join in and practice your Japanese skills with friends and alumni.
- Cooking Class with Nashville Top Chef Toshihiro Nishimoto – Saturday, February 11th, 5:00. Learn how to make Japanese cuisine from a true master at this fun and educational event.
- Tabemashou – Thursday, February 9th, 7:00 at Wafu. Tabemashou is a group that gathers to explore, critique, and enjoy Japanese dining in Portland. Check it out if you are looking for the next best place to sate your appetite.
What happened at your chapter’s event? If you attend(ed) any of these exciting events, JetWit would love to hear about them. Just contact Jonathan Trace with any info, stories or comments.
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