Call for submissions for CLAIR’s “JET Streams” publication

Via CLAIR Tokyo’s Scott Borba (a JET alum himself):
Each year in the Spring, CLAIR publishes JET Streams, an annual newsletter for JET alumni. We will be compiling this newsletter again during the next few months. I am e-mailing today to request article submissions from JET alumni. Article topics are usually about such themes as: your life/experiences after JET, memories/reflections of your time as a JET, connections with the Japanese community in your home country, etc. We ask that you please avoid articles advertising your current company or books you have written, etc. as we cannot publish these.
If any JET alumni are interested in writing an article, please notify me by e-mail by January 10 and I will give you more details regarding article length and content.
Email: jet-aa [at]
You can view past issues of JET Streams here:
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