Job: Instructor for Japanese Course (Miami)

Via JET alum Abby Mcbain of the Miami consulate. Posted by Dipika Soni (Ishikawa-ken, 2003-06). Dipika has recently moved back to London but is interested in hearing about any Japan-related opportunities across the globe.
***Note: If you apply for this position, please let them know you learned of it from JETwit. Thanks.***
Job Position: Instructor for Japanese Course
Job Details:
Walter Kozloski at Miami Dade College, North Campus are looking for an instructor for beginner’s Japanese.
The course will begin in the Spring Semester, which starts in January 2012. Most likely, the
course will be scheduled for 9:00-9:50 am on Mon, Wed, Fri. or 8:25-9:40 on Tue, Thurs.
In order to instruct in the credit programs at Miami Dade College, a Masters degree in Japanese or a Masters degree in a related field with 18 graduate credits of Japanese language is required.
How to apply:
If interested, contact Mr. Kozloski at with an attached resume as soon as possible.
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