“The Law School Bubble” – JET alum evolves into authoritative voice with latest AmLaw article

Matt Leichter (Saitama-ken 2003-05) continues to evolve as perhaps the authoritative voice on the topic of “The Law School Bubble” through his blog (“The Law School Tuition Bubble“) and most recently with his latest article to appear in The American Lawyer (aka AmLaw Daily) titled:
- “Dear Prospective Law Students, Do Not “Reasonably Rely” on Cooley’s “Report One“. http://amlawdaily.typepad.com/amlawdaily/2011/11/dear-prospective-law-students-do-not-reasonably-rely-on-cooleys-report-one.html
- (You can also read his previous AmLaw article titled “Media Outlets Claiming ‘Law Is no Longer a Golden Ticket’ Conceal Decades of a Profession in Decline.”)
Matt’s writing is gaining recognition for not just his thorough yet accessible writing style, but also for his un-lawyerly comfort with statistics and his willingness to push past assumptions.
If any JET alums out there are still contemplating law school, please (I beg you) read some of Matt’s writing first.
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