Job: JET Desk Office Assistant, Embassy of Japan (London)

Via JETAAUK. Posted by Dipika Soni (Ishikawa-ken, 2003-06). Dipika has recently moved back to London and is currently looking for new work opportunities related to Japan, translation, or other fields.
***Note: If you apply for this position, please let them know you learned of it from JETwit. Thanks.***
Job Position: JET Desk Office Assistant, Embassy of Japan (London)
Job Details:
This is a full-time post, on a temporary basis. This post requires a former ALT participant on the JET Programme who has excellent communication skills, a good command of English, and is a good user of windows office software (i.e. Power Point, Excel, Word etc). The job involves arranging university visits, attending university promotional talks and office administration including answering endless enquiry e-mails/phone calls, under the supervision of the Programme Coordinator.
The contract starts early September and ends on the last working day of the Embassy in December 2011. After successfully completing the first contract, it will then be renewed until the end of March 2012
How to Apply:
Please send your CV with a covering letter
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