Job: Ayusa Study Abroad On-Site Coordinator (OSC): 2011 Japan Summer Exploration Program

Via JETAANC. Posted by Dipika Soni (Ishikawa-ken, 2003-06). Dipika has recently moved back to London as is currently looking for new work opportunities related to Japan, translation, or other fields. She is also the former vocalist for the Japanese hardcore punk band DEGRADE.
*Note: If you apply for this position, please let them know you learned of it from JETwit. Thanks.
Job Position: Ayusa Study Abroad On-Site Coordinator (OSC), 2011 Japan Summer Exploration Program
Job Details:
To co-coordinate a study abroad program for up to 25 U.S. & Canadian high school students in Tokyo with excursions to Kamakura, Kyoto and areas around Tokyo. The On-Site Coordinator must be conversational in Japanese and English. The OSC will work closely with our in-country Japanese staff in program execution.
He/She will assist with the planning, implementation and execution of the AYUSA Study Abroad summer program including, but not limited to, student support and pastoral care, the coordination of extra curricular activities on a regular basis for the duration of the program, providing emergency support and crisis management, representing Ayusa to the students as well as the local on-site staff.
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
– Assist in program preparations prior to start date, approximately 20 hours
– Escort students on international flights to and from Japan (Narita//Osaka)
– Conduct an arrival orientation focusing on safety, cultural adjustment, Ayusa support, and Ayusa rules and regulations in conjunction with our Japanese partners
– Provide student support throughout the duration of the program 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
– Work closely with the local on-site staff, Ayusa-Japan (AYJ), on day to day operations
– Accompany students on all extra-curricular activities and excursions
– Develop and facilitate interactive activities and excursions for the students (scavenger hunts, baseball games, etc)
– Facilitate communication between students, faculty and on-site staff
– Represent Ayusa in a professional and friendly manner
– Be available for regular meetings with the students and provide individual student support
– Assist with the mediation of conflicts between students or between students and the on-site staff if necessary
– Enforce Ayusa and AYJ rules as they apply to students
– Provide Ayusa with weekly program reports sent via email to program manager
– Work with Ayusa and the on-site staff to coordinate emergency response in the event of illness, accident or other types of emergencies; assist in crisis management if/when needed
– Manage a small budget for program incidentals and submit an expense report
– Any other duties assigned by Ayusa
– Fluent in English and conversant in Japanese
– College graduate or working towards degree
– Experience working with U.S. & Canadian high school students or leading groups
– Experience living or working in Japan
– Able to live in Japan for duration of the program
– First aid training
Dates of Employment: July 15 to August 11, 2011
(plus approximately 2 days of training prior to program start)
Stipend: USD $1,200
International roundtrip flight to Tokyo, Japan
$10 / day lunch stipend
In addition the On-Site Coordinator will receive:
– All transportation within Japan and food / inclusion on all student activities
– Cell phone expense up to 100USD (amount over 100 USD must be approved in writing by Ayusa Study Abroad Program Manager)
This is a contract position, contractor will be responsible for all local income taxes in Japan and/or the country of residence.
How to Apply:
Send Resume or CV and Cover Letter to Jenna DeFabio, Program Manager, Ayusa International, with subject line Japan OSC. Cover Letter should address your unique qualifications for this position, and explain why you are a good candidate.
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