JETAA USA seeks Web Content Editor (volunteer)

JETAA USA is looking for an enthusiastic volunteer web content editor to help on some short and long term-projects.
With the roll-out of the new JETAA USA website at last year’s National Conference, our goal is to improve the website so that it becomes a central hub and resource which will serve all US Chapters.
Our wish list is:
● Migrate any information from other online platforms we have previously used, organize it, and make it available on the US website; in a sense- creating a virtual file cabinet for storing resources and documents.
● Create ideas for installing new resource sections, and improvements on what we’ve currently got established (such as a current national projects section and conference section).
We expect the bulk of the workload to be in the next 3 months as we jump start this, upload content, push forward with the JETAA USA Earthquake Fund and bracket the National Conference. After that time period, we anticipate the workload to decrease to ongoing maintenance, occasional projects and helping Country Representatives (CRs) to trouble shoot any potential issues with the website on an “as needed” basis. We would like this position to be an integrated part of the JETAA USA national team.
The workload of this position will vary depending on the time of year and the level of experience of the web editor. Although this is a volunteer position we would like someone who is willing to dedicate their time and be accountable for project completion. The US CRs will work with the web editor at a pace that is comfortable and reasonable, but also impactful.
We are looking for an applicant who:
● Has experience troubleshooting and responding to organizational needs and has previously managed content.
● Knowledge of WordPress, HTML, CSS, and/ or Java is a plus!
● Has a proven track record and experience with web related projects.
● Experience working with JET affiliated organizations (i.e. JETAA, AJET) is beneficial.
● Is a JET Program alumnus.
If you’re interested, please contact any (or all) of us with a brief description of your experience and desire to be a part of the team. Thank you!
- (Mike Shu)
- (Megan Miller-Yoo)
- (Jessyca Wilcox)
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