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JET Prefecture Round-Up 05.13.11

Emily Lemmon, (Hyogo-ken, Shiso-shi, 2009-present), PSG volunteer, organizer of Hyogo-ken’s PEPY Ride, student of Shorinji Kempo, and editor of the Hyogo Times, gives a little taste of what JETs are doing around Japan. To submit items for future JET Prefecture Round-up posts, e-mail Emily at jetinfogather [at]
Events by Region
Tohoku Region
- volunteerAKITA has been very active, starting with a one-day trip on April 24th, then spending Golden Week with the Fruit Tree Project, and continuing volunteer work May 14th – 15th in Kesennuma.
- The 7th annual Akita International Sumo Basho will take place on June 5th at the Akita Budokan in Akita City; funds will support Tohoku.
- Two free yoga classes were held on April 28th and 29th, donations taken to benefit Tohoku.
Kansai Region
- Transitions Art Show opens May 22nd in Kobe, and features the work of some of your local JETs.
- The 4th annual Himeji Pub Quiz on May 28th will be attended by 13 teams!
- 2011 Himeji Prom-stravaganza will be June 4th.
- Taj Ultimate, the Ultimate Frisbee Tournament, will be held July 9th and 10th, 2011 (start practicing)!
- Himeji Riiide to Taiyo gathered 45,000 yen for PEPY, and 36,060 for Tohoku, and a good time was had by all.
Shikoku Region
- Ehime JET Ian is making an appearance in Matsuyama’s free performance of traditional Japanese theater songs, dances, and instruments in Dogo on May 15th.
- Ehime JETs cycle the Shiminami Kaido to raise funds for tsunami and earthquake victims on May 21st!
- CIR Chang Hemi (from Korea) has put together an introductory course in Taekwondo on May 21st in Matsuyama.
- JETs enjoyed the Caribbean SOCA Bashment party on Saturday April 23, 2011 at Rondo’s in Matsuyama.
- JETs Sam and Douglas are now teaching weekly self-defense classes in Kochi.
- CIR Steven will be leading the English interpretation of “The Road to Modern Western-style Painting in Japan” gallery guided tour on May 15th.
- JET Kavita will host a Bad Movie Night on May 21st, supporting Can Up for Japan.
- Kochi JETs are forming a group to attend the Beer Festival on June 3rd at the Nahari Hotel.
- Kochi’s JET farewell party will be held on June 17th.
- The Tosa-ben Genki Musical was performed by Kochi ALTs in the local dialect on April 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th in different places around the prefecture.
- Kochi JET Mia held an art show, What is a reason you get up in the morning?, from April 22nd to May 8th in Kochi City.
- 明日があるさ (Ashita ga aru sa) Party with a Purpose! was held on April 23rd, featuring live music, painting, and auctions, all to benefit Tohoku.
- The sixth annual Tokushima Touch Rugby Tournament approaches, May 28th – 29th!
Kyushu Region
- Kumamoto JETs have been invited to attend a traditional Japanese wedding at Kikuchi Shrine on May 14th.
- Bodacious Beach BBQ will be presented by Kagoshima AJET on May 28th in Hioki.
- ALT Soccer Tournament – West Japan Tournament to be held in Awaji, May 22-23rd. East Japan Tournament to be held June 4th-5th.
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