“Arigatou, America” ad runs in Washington Times

Posted by Justin Manger to the JETAA DC yahoogroup:
Yesterday, in the May 10th edition of the Washington Times, there was a full page ad on the back of the first section. Below a sketched image of a firm handshake one simple word is written: Arigato.
This is one way the Japanese community, through the WA Project<http://www.facebook .com/WA.project>, is saying thank you to America and Americans for their support and help as Japan recovers from the tsunami that devastated the northeastern part of the country on March 11th. This of course includes a thank you for JETAADC’s help.
Take a look at the powerful image and message from a powerful grassroots project.
For background on the WA Project, read the Japanese press release<http://www.cepex. org/wp-content/ uploads/2011/ 05/WA-Project- Press-Release- Final-CEPEX- header-Japanese. pdf> and the English press release<http://www.cepex. org/wp-content/ uploads/2011/ 05/WA-Project- Press-Release- Final-CEPEX- header-English. pdf>
The project was also picked up by NHK (video): http://www3. nhk.or.jp/ news/html/ 20110511/ t10015809311000. html
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