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JET Prefecture Round-Up 04.11.11

Emily Lemmon, (Hyogo-ken, Shiso-shi, 2009-present), PSG volunteer, organizer of Hyogo-ken’s PEPY Ride, and editor of the Hyogo Times, gives a little taste of what JETs are doing around Japan. To submit items for future JET Prefecture Round-up posts, e-mail Emily at jetinfogather [at] gmail.com.
National Relief Efforts
- AJET has set up a care package program for JETs to help their fellows affected by the disaster.
- JETs are now being encouraged to Can Up for Japan as the next step: anytime JETs attend a JET event, they are to bring a food item or other materials.
- This month’s JET Effect focuses on a few different JETs’ responses to the disaster.
Events by Region
Shikoku Region
- Silly Sports Hanami was April 9th, in which JETs enjoyed the blossoms and collected blankets for Tohoku.
- Ehime’s PEPY Ride will now be for Tohoku! Ehime JETs cycle the Shiminami Kaido to raise funds for tsunami and earthquake victims.
- Beer/Sake Baseball Opening Day was April 2nd, and a great time was had by all.
- “Traffic Light” Mixer for JETs and locals was April 9th!
- Tosa Salsa Lesson from 2 to 4 was on April 9th as well.
- Kavita Peterson will be giving a presentation on Culture Shock for JETs on April 15th.
- The Tosa-ben musical will be performed by Kochi ALTs in the local dialect on April 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th in different places around the prefecture.
Kansai Region
- 5 to Survive Kyoto run was April 10th!
- Hanami at Akashi Castle Park on April 9th called for donations of towels for the Tohoku efforts.
Tohoku Region
- Some Aormori JETs are helping with a free lunch offered at the Aomori City Shimin Center on Saturday, April 16th to gather water, apples, rice, toilet paper and others to take to Fukushima prefecture.
- ALT Soccer Tournament – West Japan Tournament to be held in Awaji, May 22-23rd. East Japan Tournament to be held June 4th-5th.
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