Japan Volunteers

Via the Japan Earthquake Disaster Relief Idea Exchange Facebook page, which I believe was originally set up by JET alum Emily Duncan:
Here’s a link to a blog/website called Japan Volunteers (japanvolunteers.wordpress.com) that seems to have good info and perspectives on volunteering in various ways in connection with everything going on in Japan. Here’s an excerpt:
Your services are needed
I have put out a call to several disaster relief NGOs I know to see what their needs are. Many groups are asking for volunteers in limited numbers.
I know many of you want to volunteer but money (see donation pages) and daily use items (see the materials page) are still needed. Please do not just get in a car and drive north.
I have recently heard that in some places in Tohoku there are too many people showing up clogging roads and using up limited resourced. We all can do something to help but we do not all need to go up there to make a difference.
I have many emails every day from people who want to do something – people from all over the world who want to come to Japan. I am sorry but you will not find that answer here on this site. Right now is not the time to just hop on a plane and come to help with the relief efforts. When the rebuilding starts 1000s of volunteers will be needed. that should take anywhere from 3 to 10 years.
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