Japan Society Round-up 03.28.11: Disaster relief funds set up by Japan America Societies

In addition to the many fundraising events planned by Japan America Societies around the country, numerous funds have been set up to collect donations for Japan’s disaster relief. This list of funds (organized alphabetically by city/state) was compiled by JET alum Gail Meadows (ALT, Hiroshima-shi 2007-10). If you know of a fund set up by a Japan America Society that is not listed here, please leave it in the comments. Thanks!
JASGA has created a disaster relief fund to collect donations for organizations involved directly with relief efforts in the northeastern area of Japan. Donations can be made online here. Alternatively, checks can be sent to Japan-America Society of Greater Austin PO Box 9276 Austin, TX 78766. Please make checks payable to the Japan-America Society of Greater Austin and be sure to write Earthquake-Tsunami Relief Fund in the memo field.
JSB partnered with the Boston Foundation and the Fish Family Foundation to create a new Japanese Disaster Relief Fund-Boston. Donations to this fund are now being accepted online at www.japanesedisasterrelieffund.org. This fund was established with an initial leadership grant of $100,000 from Atsuko and Lawrence Fish, who have also pledged to cover all administrative costs of the fund. This will make it possible for 100 percent of contributions to go directly to Japanese disaster victims and to the organizations working on the ground in Tohoku to help the people who need it most. For more information, click here.
JASSCA has established the 2011 Japan Relief Fund. All donations will be forwarded to experienced non-governmental disaster relief agencies in Japan that have a proven track record of emergency humanitarian relief and restoration and development of destroyed areas. To donate, visit their website here.
JASNC created the JSNC Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund and pledges that 100 percent of contributions will be provided to Give2Asia, a highly regarded San Francisco-based philanthropy, to support relief efforts. Give2Asia will channel 95 percent of all funds received to Japanese NGOs working on the ground, with the remaining 5 percent funding Give2Aisa’s own work coordinating with and supporting those NGOs. Currently Give2Asia — in consultation with its advisor Japan NPO Network — is formulating relief plans with Second Harvest Japan and Shanti Volunteer Association. It is also in discussions with: Japanese Emergency NGOs (JEN), Saigai Volunteer Katsudo Shien Project Kaigi, Rescue Stock Yard, and Niigata Saigai (Disaster Volunteer Network). To donate, go here: http://give2asia.org/japansociety.
The Japan America Society of Chicago is currently accepting donations for the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. All proceeds will go directly to the Japanese Red Cross. To donate online, click here.
Donations for Japan relief are being accepted through the Red Cross at http://american.redcross.org/JASCincinnati.
As of March 25, JASC had raised nearly $24,000 for relief efforts in Japan. Donations can be made through their website. 100 percent of donations are being forwarded to Japan.
JASSC is taking monetary donations that will be used to help the victims of the earthquake. We will coordinate with the Consulate General of Japan in Denver and with the National Association of Japan-America Societies to ensure that the donations go where most needed. All amounts donated will be sent directly to help those in need. No amounts will be deducted for JASSC’s administrative expenses. To donate, go here: http://www.japanamerica.org/events.html.
The JASDFW has launched an emergency relief fund that will be used to aid relief and recovery efforts in Sendai, Japan. Sendai and Dallas have been International Friendship Cities since 1997, and money raised through the JASDFW fund will be sent to organizations involved directly with relief efforts in Sendai. Donations can be made online through DonorBridge. Checks can be mailed to Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth, 11615 Forest Central Drive, Suite 26, Dallas, TX 75243. Please make checks payable to the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth and be sure to write Sendai Relief Fund in the memo field.
JASG is accepting donations for Japan relief efforts through Pay Pal here.
JASH is collecting donations through their website. 100 percent of funds will go to Japan disaster relief through the Aloha for Japan Campaign to the Japanese Red Cross Society. To learn more, go here.
The Heart of America Japan-America Society will send all donations directly to its sister city, Kurashiki. In turn, they will see that the entire amount is directed to the appropriate relief organization. Visit their website to donate.
JAS of Indiana has established a statewide Japan Earthquake Relief Fund to provide assistance to the people of Japan in the region most directly impacted by the catastrophe. Contributions can be made through Japan-America Society of Indiana’s website. JASI has partnered with major banks Chase, Fifth Third, Old National and PNC to make the fund conveniently accessible for Indiana residents statewide. Donations are accepted at all branches of these financial institutions. 100 percent of the funds will be distributed in a timely manner to carefully selected and recognized Japanese relief organizations assisting the affected areas.
JAS of West Michigan is accepting donations online on behalf of several West Michigan organizations. To donate, click here.
The JASMIS Japan Relief Fund has been created to collect donations for disaster relief. 100 percent of the donations will be forwarded to Japanese relief agencies. To donate, simply send your check to Japan-America Society of Mississippi JRF, Post Office Box 7354, Tupelo, MS 38802-7354. Make checks payable to Japan-America Society of Mississippi. Please be sure to put “JASMIS Japan Relief Fund” in your check memo field.
All donations collected by JASN for Earthquake / Tsunami Relief will go to the Japanese Red Cross Society via the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco. Click here to learn more.
Donations can be made online here: http://www.japansociety.org/earthquake. All contributions will go to organizations that directly help victims recover from the earthquake and tsunami. As of March 24, more than $2 million in donations had been collected.
JASO has established the Oregon Japan Relief Fund in a partnership with Mercy Corps, a highly regarded relief agency based in Portland that has been alleviating suffering across the globe for 32 years. Mercy Corps teams with Peace Winds in Japan, a non-governmental organization dedicated to the support of people in distress. To donate, click here.
JASP has teamed up with the Brother’s Brother Foundation to collect donations for Japan disaster relief. The BBF, a 53-year old Pittsburgh-based international charity, has provided more than $3.4 billion of medical supplies, textbooks, food, seeds, and other humanitarian supplies to people around the world in more than 140 countries. To donate, click here.
JASGP has set up a fund for donations from Philadelphians who wish to assist in the relief effort. Funds will be directed to a destination determined by the government of Japan. Donations can be made by mail to Philadelphia Japan Disaster Relief Fund ATTN: Laura Rose Beneficial Bank, 4733 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA 19073. Please make checks payable to: Philadelphia Japan Disaster Relief Fund.
Donations to the American Red Cross can be made through JASSA’s website. Through March 31, JASSA will match each donation up to $250 total.
JAS of St. Louis created the Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund to collect donations for non-governmental disaster relief agencies in Japan for emergency humanitarian relief and restoration of destroyed areas. All amounts donated to JAS will be sent to help those in need, with nothing being deducted for JAS’ administrative expenses. Donations will be accepted until June 30, 2011. To donate online, click here.
In partnership with the Japanese Traders and Manufacturer Association of Memphis and the Greater Memphis Chamber, donations to the JAST Tennessee Tomodachi Fund for Earthquake and Tsunami Relief are now being accepted at all First Tennessee Bank branches statewide. Contributions will be directed in full, without bank processing fees, to the Tennessee Tomodachi Fund through a special account. 100 percent of donations received will then be directed in a timely manner by JAST to relief efforts implemented by recognized and reputable Japanese relief organizations engaged in the affected areas now and during the process of recovery ahead. For more information or to make a donation, click here.
The National Cherry Blossom Festival has set up a fund for donations to the American Red Cross. To donate, click here.
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