Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) Update: 03.23.11

The Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) has been an excellent source of updates via the earthquake section of its website as well as its Facebook page. The kind of info you’re likely not getting from CNN or network news. Notably, JET alum James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) is the Director of JCIE/USA’s New York office. Here’s the latest update:
March 23 Excerpts (http://www.jcie.org/earthquakeupdate.html):
* AARJ responds to a Sendai welfare organization assisting the elderly, which had run out of resources.
* Peace Winds Japan distributed kerosene & stoves in Minamisanriku-cho for those without heat.
* All medical facilities in Rikuzentakada were destroyed in the earthquake; …NICCO’s team is providing mobile medical services in Otomo-cho.
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