Ways JET Alums Can Help: Wear a button that says, “Ask Me About Japan”

AS a JET alum, you know far more about Japan than most people in your country (unless you live in Japan of course). One of the really helpful thing you can do in the coming weeks and months is to help keep up awareness and understanding of Japan. Help people continue to feel connected to and empathetic toward Japan, even after the story falls from the headlines. Because support is going to be needed for a long while. This is not a short term effort.
Here’s one more way you can help:
- Wear a button (or a t-shirt or other wearable item) that simply says: “Ask me about Japan”.
- Do this not just now but in the coming weeks and months as well.
This will:
a) Keep Japan in everyone’s consciousness
b) Turn JET alums (and others who have lived in Japan) into a resource for people who want to know more about Japan, to connect with Japan, to support Japan.
This is something all JET alums can do to help.
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