JET Steve Mendoza (Minamisanriku) interviewed by NHK World

I just woke up and pulled up NHK World on my computer to see JET Steven Mendoza of Minami Sanriku being interviewed on NHK World. He was explaining how everyone went right to work helping out and taking care of each other, how the students were terrific and were put to work right away. He was asked about future ALTs in the town to which he responded that the town is gone so the students will have to go to other schools in the area. At the end of the interview, the announcer pointed out that Steve was scheduled to finish his contract this summer but that now he plans on stay on to continue to help.
I think this is likely typical of other JETs in affected areas. JETs are part of the communities in which they’re working, feel a strong connection and are playing significant roles in their communities.
Keep up the good work. You continue to instill great pride in all of us who serve or served on the JET Program.
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