JapaneseLondon.com Round-up 03.17.11

Thanks to JETAA UK’s Vanessa Villalobos for sharing this:
It feels like the world is a different place, post March 11th. The massive tremor has actually shifted earth on its axis. Now, all we can do is come together as friends of Japan to send our love and donations towards the recovery effort.
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief in London
There is a book of condolence for the victims of the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake, now open at the Embassy of Japan. You can call in between 9.30am and 5.30pm until the 23rd March (including Saturday and Sunday) to sign the book. Don’t forget to take a form of photo ID (driving licence or passport) for the security on the door.
The popular violinist Taro Hakase has been holding charity concerts in venues around London since Monday, and will continue with an appearance at Fortnum and Mason, 5pm, Thursday 17th March, and a concert at Cadogan Hall this Friday 18th March.
The Japan Society has now set up its Tohoku Earthquake Relief fund, and will be channelling donations specifically to grassroots organisations in the Sendai area.
Also, visit the Play for Japan website to get the latest about fundraising events, or to let them know about yours – it’s ‘an interactive portal set up to give the maximum publicity to your efforts’.
Japanese Art Events in London
At difficult times we can often find meaning and inspiration through art. Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation this month supports a talk on the 30th March entitled ‘Forest’ by Atsuo Okamoto – a Japanese sculptor in London, and also a new exhibition entitled ‘Mokume’ by Kentaro Kobuke. The private view is on 17th March, you can book here.
Or why not take the opportunity to catch the ‘Images and Sacred Texts; Buddhism across Asia’ exhibition at the British Museum, on until April 3rd.
Finally, if you want to learn more about the beauty and functionality of the traditional Japanese merchant townhouses, Pauline Chakmakjian will give a talk about ‘Machiya of Kyoto’ at the English Speaking Union on 22nd March.
Japanese Music Events in London
Friday 18th March brings us a Shakhachi Performance + London Okinawa Sanshinkai at the Gallery Café.
Next week, from 21st – 23rd March, Café OTO features a three-day Japanese Music and film event ‘We don’t care about the music anyway’.
JapaneseLondon.com‘s Round-Ups are bi-weekly. If you want to see more Japan-related events in London, check out the JapaneseLondon.com Events Calendar.
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