JETAA UK Mailshot: 03.09.11

Hello from JETAA UK!
JETAA Members from each of the UK’s chapters recently met for our Annual General Meeting, and we are pleased to announce the JETAA UK committee for 2011-2012:
• Chair: Josephine Audigier:
• Treasurer: Wes Jones:
• Webmaster: Martin Cloud:
• Web Editor: Fiona Steele:
• Marketing Liaison: Fiona Steele:
• CID Coordinators: Hugh Thomas, Ed Horner and Fiona Steele:
As many of you will be aware 2010 was a busy year for JETAA. It was our twentieth anniversary and we held several large scale events such as the JETAA International meeting in Edinburgh. Below is some news about upcoming events. Further information will be posted on our website so keep checking back for the latest news!
This message is posted by Josephine Audigier on behalf of JETAA UK
JET Programme – Life After JET Survey
We have been asked to forward the following request to all JET Programme alumni members from the UK;
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in Tokyo and the Embassy of Japan in the UK are currently gathering information from former JET Programme participants regarding their current places of employment. This data will be used purely for research purposes. Please click on this link and let us know what industry you currently work for. If possible, please also provide your contact details and information about your JET placement.
Information we gather will be treated as confidential between MOFA and the Embassy of Japan in the UK. We look forward to hearing from you.
New JETAA Chapters
If you are interested in setting up a new JETAA Chapter, please get in touch with Josy at We have had some interest in new Chapters for the North West and South East. If you live in one of these areas and would like to get involved, let me know!
Please ensure that you are signed up for the mailshot for the correct chapter to make sure you hear about events in your area. You can also follow JETAA London and Scotland on Twitter – @jetaalondon and @jetaascotland.
The Sumo run
This year the sumo run will be held both in Manchester and in London. JETAA Scotland is fielding a team for the Manchester run and the London chapter is planning to put a team together for the London event. If you would like to join us, please email so we can arrange a JETAA Alumni dream team.
If you fancy joining the run on your own, you can still benefit from FREE registration if you let them know you are a member of JETAA. The discount code for this is: JETAA11
Gemin-i is a hard working educational charity, and the sumo run is a hilarious day out, so sign up and have run running around dressed as a sumo!
Keep In Touch With JETAA
That’s it for this JETAA Update – keep in touch with your local chapter and national events through our website, updated regularly – and by ‘Liking’ our Facebook page
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