JetWit Facebook Adjustment

Click here to “like” the new “JetWit Facebook Page”
Apologies for any confusion or inconvenience. Previously, I had set up a “Jet Wit” personal account on Facebook. However, apparently the Facebook gods frown about any Facebook page that’s not an actual person, and–POOF!–just like that the Jet Wit account which had friended many, many JETs and JET alums…..simply disappeared.
So now I’ve delved into strange world of Facebook “Pages” where you have to get people to like you and setting up and using the pages seems to be far less intuitive than something like this really ought to be. All I ask is for your patience and that everyone be an obedient sheep by “liking” the page while I get my head around the set-up and figure out how to make this all a bit more functional and convenient for everyone.
Thanks for your support and gaman, and yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
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