Japan Foundation NY/Center for Global Partnership: Newsletter Vol. 12 (Feb 2011)

//// VOL. 12: February 23, 2011 ////
2011 J-Initiative Grant Program RFP (Concept paper deadline: March 10)
The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP), New York is pleased to announce that we are continuing with the J-Initiative launched last year in 2010 in order to promote networking, capacity building, and innovative program development for US-Japan exchange and outreach. We welcome innovative and future-oriented proposals from every field.
Grants of up to $100,000 per year and up to three (3) years will be awarded. The deadline for concept paper submission is March 10, and if invited after the concept paper review, the full proposal will be due by May 31.
For more details on the J-Initiative, please visit the link below.
[ http://cgp.org/index.php?option=article&task=default&articleid=397 ]
Japan Travel Program for US Future Leaders 2010 Report Publication
CGP in collaboration with the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) inaugurated the Japan Travel Program for US Future Leaders in 2009 with the goal of fostering a new generation of future leaders in the US who are interested in achieving a greater understanding of Japan.
The report is based on their experiences in Japan and was compiled by the students following the conclusion of the program.
[ http://www.jpf.go.jp/cgp/fellow/apsia/pdf/APSIA_2010.pdf ]
Upcoming Events & Announcements
SPLICE JAPAN at Dance New Amsterdam (Feb 24-27. NYC)
[ http://www.dnadance.org/site/performances/dna-presents-winter-season-2011/splice-japan-air-mana-kawamura-makiko-tamura/ ]
Eiko & Koma’s Retrospective Project: Regeneration at Ringling Museum of Art
(Feb 24-26. Sarasota, FL) and Regeneration at Redcat (Mar 2-6. Los Angeles, CA)
[ http://eikoandkoma.org/index.php?p=ek&t=events&id=3040 ]
[ http://eikoandkoma.org/index.php?p=ek&t=events&id=3076 ]
Sharaku-Interpreted by Contemporary Japanese Artists Woodblock Print Exhibit
(Feb 4-Mar 26. Albany, GA) [ http://www.albanymuseum.com/ ]
Publishing the Stage: Print & Performance in Early Modern Japan
(Mar 5. Boulder, CO) [ http://colorado.edu/cas/publishingthestage.htm ]
The Elusive Tea Bowl: Art of the Contemporary Japanese Tea Bowl
(Mar 13-14. Concord & Allston, MA)
[ http://www.lacostegallery.com/dynamic/exhibit_artist.asp?ExhibitID=100 ]
[ http://ofa.fas.harvard.edu/ceramics/teabowl.php ]
New York International Children’s Film Festival 2011 (March 4-27. NYC)
[ http://www.gkids.tv/intheaters.cfm ]
The Dolls of Japan: Shapes of Prayer, Embodiment of Love Exhibit
(Mar 10-Apr 30. Nashville, TN)
[ http://www.nashville.us.emb-japan.go.jp/en/events/2011/Dolls%20Flyer.pdf ]
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New York, New York 10019
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Inquiries: info@jfny.org
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