Music City JETAA (aka Nashville) reveals its new logo!

Via Music City JETAA President Terry Vo, who is also the JET Program and MEXT Coordinator at the Consul-General of Japan in Nashville:
“We JUST revealed our new logo at the JET Returnees Welcome Reception last Friday, January 28, 2011 at the Consul General’s Residence.”
“We had over 20 JET alumni attend from Tennessee and Kentucky and it was a REALLY successful event. The evening began with Consul General Sato’s high regards for the JET Program and how he sees JET Alumni as “one of the greatest assets in Japan-U.S. relations.” Consul General Sato then asked for the five recent returnees to give short speeches about their experience on the JET Program.”
Meanwhile, here are some upcoming events for JETAA Music City:
- Saturday, February 12th – Cooking Night with Master Sushi Chef Toshihiro Nishimoto, 6pm (Attached is the information)
- Sunday, March 27th– Hanami (More info to come!)
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