JETs with JDs >> What Student Loan Reform Means for the Law Student

Andrew R. McCarthy (Akita-ken, 2005-08) is a law student at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law focusing on international trade, business, and tax. He currently runs the blog JETs with J.D.s, an information source for current JET alumni law students and prospective law students for career paths and approaches within the current legal market. For those considering law school and trying to comprehend the costs and the risks of such an endeavor, he also recommends The Law School Tuition Bubble.
When you’re graduating with a great legal mind, $100k in student loan debt, and the best job offers you have are all tossing you $50k or less, what is there to do? Roll over and die, perhaps? This JETs with J.D.s post looks at the basic structure of student loan reforms, particularly the expansion of income-based repayment, and why it’s going to be an often consulted resource for the law graduates in the “Lost Generation.”
Full post is available here.
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