FoxHound87: Great Day!

Joshua Small is a First Year JET currently living in Ikaruga-cho, Nara-ken and has been chronicling his experience on his blog Snorlax87.
I am having a great day today!
First Class: English Conversation for Juniors (2nd Year’s)
The topic of today’s class was “Future Hopes/Dreams.” I borrowed the idea for the warm-up game from Rogue, the ALT in Tenri.
Warm-Up: Pairs of students come to the front of the classroom. Students stand with hands poised in Western style as though they are about to draw guns. I show them an occupation picture card. The first student to shout the occupation on the card and raise their hands like guns is the winner. Sounds silly right? The kids LOVED it! I called on volunteers who could then challenge another to “combat.” The boys got really into it. Instead of drawing simple pistols, some drew bazookas, bow & arrow, etc. Even the losing player’s death was dramatic. Some kids did a simple “touch the chest” move. Others fully acted like they had gotten shot. My favorite moment was the last fight. The winning student “shot” the losing student after yelling the right occupation. Except this time, the losing student did a matrix-style maneuver to dodge the “bullets.” HYSTERICAL…
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