Calling all Kyushu JET alums and fans of Kyushu!

People from different parts of Japan who reside here in NYC have respective 県人会 (kenjinkai) or associations of people from a certain prefecture. Last year I decided to look for the Kumamoto Kenjinkai, and found out that we are part of the larger island-wide Battenkai for Kyushu-jin. I was hesitant to go since I wasn’t technically from Kyushu (even though I consider Kumamoto my home in Japan), but I was welcomed with open arms. The group is looking to get some new attendees, and would like to offer an open invitation to its upcoming shinnenkai (see below for details)! For those who want to read the original message in Japanese, please click here. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
We are beginning 2011 with a shinnenkai to mark the Year of the Rabbit! This exciting event will feature laughter yoga, a shamisen performance and a fabulous raffle. Please join us for this fun night!
★ Open to anyone born in or who has connections to Kyushu, as well as those interested in this region.
Date: January 5, 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Japanese American Association of New York (15 W. 44th Street (11th floor)
Cost: Adult = $35, Student = $20, 11 and younger free (includes food/drinks; pay in cash on day of)
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