Dec 7

Japan America Society Round-up 12.7.10

JET alum Gail Cetnar Meadows (ALT, Hiroshima-shi 2007-10), co-founder of Hiroshima JET webzine the Wide Island View, shines a light on some of the upcoming events of Japan America Societies…

JAS of Colorado

  • Hatsuharu no Kai (New Year’s Celebration) — Don’t forget to eat your mochi! (Who needs Ovaltine, anyway?) Join students from the Japanese School of Denver as they greet 2011 by pounding rice into mochi, practicing calligraphy and demonstrating a tea ceremony.

JS of Northern California

  • Outdoor Film Series — Check out this series of free events in Japantown Peace Plaza over the next few months. Events include film screenings and karaoke contests. December’s film presentation is Tokyo Godfathers, a film set in Tokyo at Christmas. Three homeless friends—a young girl, a transvestite, and a middle-aged bum—are foraging through some trash when they find an abandoned newborn. Hana, the transvestite with delusions of being a mother, convinces the others to keep it overnight. The next day, using a key found with the baby, they start tracking down the parents, with many adventures along the way.
    • Date: Saturday, Dec. 11
    • Time: 7 p.m.
    • Place: Peace Plaza in Japantown, Post Street at Buchanan Street, San Francisco
    • For more information, click here.

Does your Japan America Society have an upcoming event that you’d like to share with JetWit readers? Email Gail the info.

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