JET ROI: JET alum creates “Smile Kids Japan” program for JETs to volunteer at orphanages in Japan

Check out this article from The Japan Times on Fukui JET alum Mike Maher-King who started Smile Kids Japan (, a web-based network that enables JETs to volunteer at orphanages around Japan. The idea came from Mike’s own experience volunteering at an orphanage in his area, which he then expanded to bring other JET alums to the orphanage as well.
Here’s the URL for the article:
(Also of note, the article is by a JET alum journalist, Jody Godoy.)
Examples like this do a wonderful job of demonstrating the Return on Investment that Japan continues to reap from the JET Programme and its alumni. If you have other examples to share, please email them to and we’ll post them for the JET alum community and others to read about.
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