Apr 10

Japan America Society Roundup 4.10.10

Current Hiroshima-ken JET Gail Cetnar Meadows, Editor of Hiroshima JET webzine the Wide Island View, shines a light on some of the upcoming events of Japan America Societies…

JAS of San Antonio

  • Sumo Night — Have you packed on a few pounds since you left Japan? Ever find yourself dreaming of going back and thinking, “Hey, I wonder what it actually takes to be a Sumo wrestler, anyway?” Well, come find out. At this event you can learn all about this traditional Japanese sport, its history and the techniques required to become a Sumo pro.
    • Date: Tuesday, April 20
    • Time: 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.
    • Place: University of Texas San Antonio, on the lawn area between the Arts Building and the Main Building by the flag poles (or UC 2.212 Harris Room if there’s inclement weather).
    • For more information: http://www.utsa.edu/eai/2010/Sumo.pdf

JAS of Central Ohio

  • Concert by the Columbus Japanese Women’s Chorus — The name of this group, Hanamizuku no Kai, translates to “Dogwood Group”, chosen in honor of the early 1900s exchange of Yoshino cherry trees and Dogwood trees between the people of Japan and the United States. The trees symbolize the friendship and sharing between Japan and America. With an aim to share the gift of music and friendship, Hanamizuki no Kai sings a variety of lyrical songs, nursery rhymes, pop music and folk songs in both Japanese and English.

JAS of Greater Cincinnati

  • Sushi class — Learn the basics of making your own sushi from Sake Bomb, the sushi supplier to the Cincinnati Reds. The fee is $25 for members, $40 for member couples or $38 for non-members.

JAS of the State of Washington

  • Teaching Responses to Catastrophe: Hiroshima and the Holocaust — Professor Alan Tansman of the University of California, Berkeley, asked scores of university students to consider how individuals and cultures respond to the devastation of large-scale violence. Students closely examined the words and images created by individuals who chose to express their suffering, and considered the psychic, cultural, historical and political dimensions of responses to violence. Professor Tansman’s work focused on comparative context through the cases of Nazi violence against European Jews, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as other forms of violence experienced by the Japanese in World War II. In his presentation, he will discuss the pedagogy of teaching this material.

Does your Japan America Society have an upcoming event that you’d like to share with JetWit readers? Email Gail Meadows the info.

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