Pre-Departure Orientation: The Documents!

Thanks to JETAA NY Webmaster Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06) and JETAA NY President Megan Miller (Hyogo-ken, 2000-02), below is a link to all of the PowerPoints and PDFs of presentations at the JETAA NY Predeparture Orientation which was held this past weekend on Saturday, June 20, 2009.
- Asian-American JETS (Powerpoint)
- Travel In and Out of Japan (PDF)
- Japanese Etiquette (Powerpoint)
- Life as a JET (.ppt)
- Vegetarian in Japan – Vocabulary Sheet (Word Document)
- Vegetarian in Japan – Wallet Card (Word .doc)
- Vegetarian in Japan – Wallet Card (Word .docx)
- Women’s Issues Seminar (.pptx)
If you have documents, or links to documents, from the Pre-Departure Orientation in your chapter, please feel free to e-mail them to jetwit [at] jetwit [dotc] com and we’ll post them here for the benefit of JETs as well as for the benefit of JET alums who will organize future Pre-D Orientations. Also, please feel free to e-mail a write-up about your chapter’s Pre-D Orientation and how it went. Other chapters would love to hear about it.
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