JETAA Chicago Newsletter request for articles

Via JETAA Chicago and it’s wonderful newsletter editor, Elizabeth Friedman (Shimane-ken, 2003-04):
Dear Chicago JET alums,
My name is Elizabeth Friedman and I am the editor of the Chicago JETAA Newsletter.
I would like to invite all JET alums to submit articles for the summer edition. I have listed some ideas for submissions, but feel free to send in whatever you feel would be appropriate to include in a JETAA newsletter.
- The deadline for submissions is June, 26th.
- Please send your articles to me at jetaachinewsletter@
- Submissions can include:
–Comic strips
–Restaurant reviews
–Japanese cultural activities in Chicago (music, movies, theater, art exhibits, etc…) reviews or thoughts on
–Announcements about JET alumni (marriages, graduations, jobs, etc…)
–Short stories (maybe a series–one page per issue),poetry, visual art, etc… done by JET alums that was inspired by Japanese culture
–Reflections on returning home from your JET experience
Feel free to contact me at jetaachinewslette r@ if you have any questions.
Elizabeth Friedman (Shimane-ken, 2003-04)
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