Oh (JETAA) Canada!

I just had a great time in Toronto this past weekend (May 29-31) where I had the honour (Americans: please note spelling) of being invited to be the keynote speaker for the JETAA Canada National Conference.
Here’s what I have to report:
- I think the speech went well and resonated with the chapter reps, especially on the themes of creating structures and motivation to get more JET alums to self-identify and view themselves as part of the JET alumni community. (Full text of speech available here.)
- Several people told me they were familiar with JetWit but didn’t really get what it was all about and how it could be helpful until they heard me talk about it and provide the background and context.
- People seem to be much nicer in Canada. From the hostess at the trendy Panorama bar where we gathered the first night even to the personal search I had to go through at airport security. (Did I mention that my suitcase was already on the baggage carousel by the time I got to the baggage claim area upon arrival? First time ever in my life that’s happened.)
- JETAA Toronto did a fantastic job of hosting, thanks to the hard work of Conference Organizer Amy Schindler, JETAA Canada Country Rep Gloria Ma, JETAA Toronto Co-chairs Natalie Bey and Glen Morales, Website & Communications Chair Darryl Young, Website Support (and professional illustrator) David Namisato, Treasurer Sonia Cheng and many others.
- A number of chapters, especially in the less populated areas of Canada, are struggling with ways to keep their membership lists above a certain level (which they need for continued financial support from CLAIR) due to some evolving new requirements on who can be counted as a member. (So if you’re a JET alum in, e.g., Saskatchewan, and not on a chapter list, please get in touch with your chapter!)
- The main street in Toronto is called Bloor Street, which sounds funny if you keep saying it over and over.
- JETAA Toronto recently hosted a successful event featuring the work of JET alumni artists. A great idea to try and replicate in other chapters. Actually, it would be really nice if someone wanted to start a Facebook or Google group for JET alumni artists. If you do this, get in touch and I’ll help get the word out. There are a lot of good ones out there.
- I learned of two more JET alumni academics/authors: Alison Gabriele (linguistics) and Karen Healey (literature). (Thanks to linguistics grad student and JETAA Montreal chapter rep Moti Lieberman for sharing the info. Moti, by the way, also offered to write a piece for JetWit on where to go in Montreal to get your “Japan fix.” Part of the idea is that any JET alums planning on moving to Montreal will stumble on the article and then know to get in touch with the JETAA chapter there. If anyone else wants to write a “Japan fix” piece for wherever you are, please feel free to get in touch. It would be great to have a whole series of these.)
- I had a wonderful informal walking tour of Toronto with Robert Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-04), author of Zorgamazoo (which just won an E.B. White Honour given to the 4 best “read-aloud” books).
All of which is to say, if you’re ever invited to attend the JETAA Canada National Conference, by all means take them up on it.
And lastly, thanks to everyone from Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Ottawa and elsewhere for your hospitality and for allowing me to join the conference. It was a terrific experience and is already leading to more cross-chapter collaboration and communication.
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