May 15

Japan America Society Roundup 5.15.09

Current Hiroshima-ken JET Gail Meadows shines a light on some of the upcoming events of various Japan America societies…

JAS of Kentucky

  • JASK Business Summit – Join JASK for a discussion of opportunities and challenges created by the changing economy. This event brings together speakers with national reputation to share insights pertinent to the Japan/America trade relationship in Kentucky and how you can adjust your business to the present economic conditions. The keynote address, “Recent Changes in the Japan/America Trade Relationship”, will be delivered by Richard Katz, Editor-in-Chief of The Oriental Economist Report (TOE) in New York and correspondent for the Weekly Toyo Keizai.
    • Date: Wednesday, May 27
    • Time: 11:30 a.m.
    • Place: Marriott Griffin Gate Resort and Spa
    • For more information and online registration:
  • Japanese Idol – Now’s your chance to do your best Susan Boyle impression… Japanese style! JASK wants to find one talented person in Kentucky to be their first-ever “Japanese Idol.” Besides fame, the winner can count on fortune as well – two round-trip airline tickets to Japan from ANA (All Nippon Airways). Audition live, by mail or e-mail. Ten finalists will vie for the prize in August.

JAS of Central Ohio

  • Japanese Monozukuri Practices for the Automotive Industry – This business seminar will offer practical guidance to obtain and sustain business relationships with Japanese manufacturers. The theme of monozukuri – the spirit and quest for manufacturing excellence – will be presented to share insights on the manufacturing philosophies and production processes in Japan.

JAS of Colorado

  • Lecture about Japanese gardens – JASC invites members to attend a lecture by Sadafumi Uchiyama, the Garden Curator of Portland Japanese Garden. The lecture, “Rock and Water: Nature’s Elements in Japanese Garden Design”, will focus on how Japanese gardens embody qualities of nature and the use of rocks and water as two primary components of the garden.

Does your Japan America Society have an upcoming event that you’d like to share with JetWit readers? Email Gail Meadows the info.

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