Bean There, Done That

Professional translator Joel Dechant (CIR Fukuoka-ken, 2001-04) recently became a guest blogger for Fukuoka Now ( Have a look at his first post on the site:

Bean paste, dumplings and beans...oh my!
Hi, my name is Joel. I’m from Pennsylvania in the US and have been living in Ropponmatsu since 2007. I majored in Japanese at university, spent a year abroad in Kyoto, and have been in Japan since graduating in 2000. I’ve lived in Osaka, Kirishima (Kagoshima), and Beppu, and after turning freelance, I decided to make Fukuoka my home base. I’m a translator by day, a bluesman by night and the Guest Blogger du jour. Today I’d like to talk about bean paste.
It’s been about 10 years since I first came to Japan and I fondly remember my maiden voyage as a study abroad student. My scholarship covered my airfare on a luxurious JAL flight complete with beautiful cabin attendants and a smoking section (I don’t smoke anymore, but back then I was in heaven). I don’t recall the food, however, because of traumatic desert experience. Something akin to a soft, delicious jelly donut was daintily laid on my plate, and after smoking who knows how many cigarettes, I was ready to tuck into that “donut”.
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