Apr 1

JET alum actor performing in Steve Martin’s “The Underpants” in Seattle

Saw this on the JETAA Pacific Northwest yahoogroup list and thought it was worth sharing.  I’m sure there are plenty of other JET alum actors/performers out there, so feel free to share any upcoming performances via e-mail to jetwit at jetwit dot com and perhaps we can do a periodic update of what various folks are up to.

Just wanted to pass this on from Nate Maddox (Kagawa-ken 2003-2005), and (disclaimer!) good friend of mine. I saw The Underpants on Sunday, and I’ll vouch for the hilarity. All the characters are absurd, and there are some killer lines.

Yes, there are underpants in this play.  No, they are not Nate’s. (And no, you probably don’t want to bring kids under 14.) But I highly recommend it, especially if you’d like to see Nate prance about in a ridiculous hat and cape.

Please go enjoy The Underpants!


———– (more info below)

Hey all,

In the spirit of shameless self-promotion, I wanted to invite anyone who is interested to come to the play I am acting in for the next few weekends. The play is a farce written by Steve Martin titled “The Underpants” and is absolutely hilarious!

I would highly encourage you, your family, friends, and the enemy of your enemies (who logic dictates must be your friend) to come out and check it out! It runs Friday, Saturday, Sunday on March 27, 28, and 29 and April 3, 4, and 5 at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in West Seattle.

Info about the show can be found at: http://www.twelfthnightproductions.org/onstage.php

And tickets can be purchased in advance at: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/57151

If you want some more info, feel free to ask me anything!

Hope to see you there!

Nate Maddox

Hazen HS Math Dept

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