Feb 18

Request: Seeking self-employed, freelancers, telecommuters, and start-up entrepreneurs who work at home or at coffeeshops for a graduate research project


This request is from Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06), webmaster for both JETAA NY and JetWit.  He is currently a masters candidate at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University.

Hi JetWit’ers,

I am working on a research and design project targeting the self-employed, freelancers, entrepreneurs and others who work at home, in coffeeshops, or in a  co-working space (basically anywhere that is not a traditional office environment).  If any of the above describes the way you do your work, I would love to ask you a few questions about your physical work space and professional networking needs.

Please email me at leesean /atto/ nyu /dotto/ edu if you are interested in helping out.  I could meet in person over coffee, schedule a quick interview over the phone or we could just have a conversation over email, whatever works for you.  Thanks!

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