Film maker seeks info on Japan

Hello JETAA members,
Below is an email from Joe Johnson from Plum Pictures:
‘I work as a researcher for Plum Pictures, an independent television production company, and we are currently making a documentary film for the BBC about festivals and food in Japan, specifically the Inazawa Hadaka Matsuri (Naked man festival) and the Nakizumo (baby sumo wrestlers). I am currently trying to find out as much as I can about the history, meaning and significance of these festivals and about Japanese foods from Nagasaki and Inazawa. I am also interested in finding out more about the conflict between the ancient and the modern in contemporary Japan and where we can visualise this for the purpose of the film.’
If anyone has relevant experiences of either of these festivals, places or foods and would like to help Joe then please email him before Fri 16th of Jan joej@ hattrick. com.
Anne Grieve
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