A recently returned JET alum recently asked for suggestions on recruiting firms or other channels for “getting back to Japan.” Since my sense is that the US job market is making that an increasing trend among returning JETs, I wanted to put the question out to the JET alum community.
The only option I can think of off the top of my head is Interac, which had a recent post on JetWit.
Do you have suggestions for recruiting firms or other decent options for “getting back to Japan?” Post a comment below or send an email to jetwit /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com.
3 comments so far...
There are 2 options in my mind: the get your foot in the door with anything option (Why I worked at Nova for 10 months) and the carefully planned option. I would have to ask around on option no. 2 since I apparently did not do it that way :P
Good jobs sites include:
ACCJ E-Central
and to a lesser extent
There may be more. I have not been keeping up.
Many universities and emabassies only advertise on their homepages, so if those are options, be sure to bookmark and check back often.
You may also find Japan jobs via LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster etc. and there are many US gvt jobs over at USAJobs. However, a lot of civilian military base jobs are targeting pepole in the commuting area, so you may be limited to what you can apply for.
The best bet, if you have the time and money, is to come over and hit the pavement just like you would back home.
Freelancing (translation etc.) is another option that can be lucrative once you get it moving, however, it will be tough if you don’t have a valid visa. There is a chance you may find a translation company that might sponsor you (I have to admit, being married to Japanese woman, I haven’t had to worry about a visa for 7 years and counting)
Here’s some advice via an email from another JET alum who lived in Japan after JET:
As for advice on how former JETs can return to Japan:
They can get a visa easily if they find the right English teaching position which will sponsor their visa… (the company probably won’t pay for airfare back to Japan, though). I’d recommend just going there on a tourist visa (that’s what I did and few of my friends did), and looking for work. With JET on the resume, many eikaiwa schools will be glad to hire former JETs… I’d recommend looking for jobs which say “visa sponsorship available”
Otherwise try to get visa sponsorship through companies in the US which have offices in Japan (doesn’t sound as easy). Once they have a visa, it will not expire even if they change jobs. I’d recommend getting a visa through an English school. Once having that, they can look for work in their field. Many employers in Japan won’t hire someone unless they already have a valid working visa.
There are loads of job Web sites I used frequently when I lived in Tokyo (post-JET):
GaijinPot: http://www.gaijinpot.com/
E-Central: http://www.ecentral.jp/index.php?l=e
Jobs In Japan: http://jobsinjapan.com/
Japn Times Jobs: http://job.japantimes.com/index_e.php
Temp Staff Universal: http://www.tempstaff.co.jp/universal/eng/index.html
Japan Guide Jobs: http://jobs.japan-guide.com/job_search.php
Tokyo Metropolis Jobs: http://metropolis.co.jp/tokyojobsemployment/1.1.inc.htm
Japanzine Jobs: http://jobs.seekjapan.jp/jobs
It’s too late for this year, but for next year the Boston Career Forum is a well known job fair that’s held to recruit people in America for jobs in Japan. I know plenty of people who went there and either got jobs or leads. Takes place every year in the fall.