JetWit Society Page – by Yoku Shitteiru – 11/21/08

JetWit Society Page is written by Yoku Shitteiru who knows well.
Hello my loyal readers and welcome to the new on-line version of the Society Page column about JET alumni!
But enough about you, let’s talk about last night’s JETAA New York Happy Hour at Revival (15th St & Irving Place). For some reason, over 30 JET alums came out and took over the second floor of the place despite cho-beri-samui evening weather, perhaps incentivized by the happy hour deals, extended to 8pm thanks to JETAA Social Coordinator Monica Yuki’s Manhattan-style negotiating savvy.
WKRP in New York? Many in attendance were bikkuri-shita‘d by the sudden yet now-predictable annual surprise appearance of John Sandoval (Mie-ken, 1992-95), who was in from Cincinnati on Procter & Gamble business. Apparently there aren’t enough karaoke nights in Marge Schott’s furusato (though if JET alum Cincy native Jimmy Jackson has his way, there may be some of those coming soon)….Meanwhile, Queens-ken was in the house last night courtesy of super-teacher Cindy Hoffman, with Brooklyn-ken represented by translator Jamie Graves and NHK Associate Producer Marea Pariser as well as by Wynne Wu and Steven Too. Even New Jersey-ken sent party delegates including JTB employee Chau Lam and Seton Hall grad student Glen Milan….Thanks to Nandita, now a Manhattan-jin since she took over brother Neel’s apartment after he skipped town for Nashville to finish his M.D.), “disco nap” became the English vocab lesson for the night…And Marea had the story of the night, explaining how she needed to find a family in the NY area that would let the NHK morning show crew film its Thanksgiving dinner live from the family’s home. Turns out they found a farming family outside the city that sells to the Green Markets and was thrilled to host NHK. Why? Because their daughter was a JET, married a Japanese guy, and now lives in Nagano. All of which means that now she’ll be able to see her family on Thanksgiving live from Japan! (Sugoi yo!)….JETs Are Everywhere Moment: When a random lad from the rowdy, neighboring non-JET crowd rushing out the door paused to read Steven’s shirt (JETAA NY – 日本語分るよ!) and blurted, “Man, I do understand Japanese! I’m a JET!” and continued on his misguided way….As the JET crowd eventually dissipated and the second floor was taken over by cult of people brainwashed to believe that singing along with “Piano Man” is never a bad decision, Monica led a small crew of JET alum detritus to Stand (12th St & University) for pricey but tasty burgers, shakes and potato sticks, not to mention an educational “tramp stamp” citing.
That’s all for this edition. See you in the JetWit future.
Tokoro de, Yoku Shitteiru welcomes the sharing of any JET-related info from any JET-related events as well as news of engagements, weddings, births, new jobs and other fun and JET-worthy items. Just send an e-mail to yokushitteiru/atto/jetwit /dotto/com.
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