Cincinnati JETAA?

Jimmy Jackson is trying to get Cincinatti/Northern Kentucky JET alums together. If you’re interested or know anyone in Cincinnati who might be, even if they’re not a JET alum, get in touch with Jimmy at jimmyj1640 /atto/ yahoo /dotto/ com.
I think Randall Crowder may officially be the chapter rep for the Great Lakes Region and is in Cincinnati, but I don’t have contact info for him. Also, former JETAA NYer John Sandoval (Mie-ken, 1992-95) is in Cincinnati now working for Procter & Gamble.
Great Lakes had been defunct for a while until Scott Norman in Detroit and Randall in Cincinnati have made efforts to bring it back in the last few years. So if you guys and other people can all link up and get some momentum, that would be JET-tastic! (Note: Not a real word.)
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