Nov 19

Help JetWit find sponsors

JetWit is seeking sponsors (or other forms of support).  Here’s how you can help:

  • E-mail me at stevenwaseda /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com with contact information and a contact person for any potential sponsors.
  • Contact potential advertisers yourself and encourage them to get in touch to discuss advertising.
  • Be an ad sales rep for JetWit.  Contact me to discuss if interested.

The reasons a company might want to advertise on JetWit:

  • A unique centralized channel for reaching a national audience of JET alums and other people with a connection to Japan along with current JETs and prospective JETs.  (FYI, there are approximately 20,000 JET alums in the US.)  (Not that all of them read JetWit. :-)
  • Positive publicity and good karma from showing support for JET alumni
  • JetWit’s ability to provide creative advertising solutions.
  • Benefit from my 7 years of experience communicating with and supporting the JET alumni network in my role as the JETAA NY Newsletter Editor.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, and thanks for your help.

Steven (Aichi-ken, 1992-94)

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