Writing Opportunities: JETAA NY Upcoming Newsletter Issue

Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02), Editor of the JETAA NY Quarterly newsletter has announced that the theme for the next issue (slated for Jan. 2009) is The “New” Issue. New year, new JETAA editor, new U.S. president, and maybe some other things by the time we go to press.
- Contact Justin at: newsletter /atto/ jetaany /dotto/ org
- URL: http://jetaany.org/quarterly-newsletter-latest-edition/
“New” Ancedotes”: Justin is seeking anecdotes from JET alums that deal with anything new you learned or experienced during your time on JET or just in Japan. Prizes to the most interesting submissions. So the next time you’re on the subway and the train hits a red signal, think back to a time where everything was new, and send me something. If you need any inspiration, check out the political anecdotes from our last issue, which covered a wide spectrum of JET life. Next…
-Nippon News Blotter: This aims to be a recap of the most interesting news stories of what’s happened in Japan since the last newsletter was published. Political, economic, entertainment, crime, scandals, whatever’s ripped from the headlines that can give our readers more of a sense of what’s going on in Japan. Easy to get by doing a Google News search or checking out an online English-language newspaper like the Japan Times online. So if you’re a Japanese news junkie and you come across a story that grabs you, forward the link to me and I’ll earmark it for inclusion in the next issue.
-East Meets West: The idea is to pose a question each issue to a handful of both Japanese people and JETs, with their answers printed underneath their photos. The Japanese can be friends of JETs, or people you meet in your daily life or even out on the street. I’m curious to see if the Japanese opinions would be the same, close, or totally different from what Americans would say. An example question would be something like “What problem do you want President Obama to handle first when he takes office?”, but the topic is open to suggestions and volunteers to both answer the questions and snap some photos.
-View From Japan: Are you a JET who’s currently living in Japan, or an alum who knows somebody with a JET relationship currently working in Japan? If so, Justin is looking to add more features from those in Japan today, which can give past JETs a clearer picture of what it’s like to work on the program here in the late ’00s. And commentary or a human interest story about something happening in Japan also plays up our international angle nicely.
-Celebrity Interviews: Does anybody know somebody who can get us in touch for an interview with a “big” name? Reason: even if they aren’t Japanese or haven’t lived there, they might have visited the country or have a big fan base there. So just asking a few questions about Japan could make an interesting spot of reading that would make JETAA NY stand out. Of course, if they are Japanese and have lived in Japan, even better. At the very least, run a wishlist by me or recommend a site for publicists or agents if you know one.
-Our New Name: We toyed with this idea earlier in the year, but it didn’t take. If anyone has any proposals to re-name the newsletter, send in your suggestions. Having a new name in time for the “new” issue would be timely, but it has to be something special!
–Sukiyaki Western Django film review: Anyone want to review a recent movie where the mostly-Japanese cast speaks every line of dialogue in English? With a supporting role by Quentin Tarantino, this action/Western directed by Takashi Miike (Ichi the Killer) premiered at Japan Society early this summer and followed with a short arthouse theatrical run. And if your Netflix queue has you swamped through the next decade, I may be able to arrange a screener from the production company. Check out some clips at its Amazon.com page:
-333 Club at Japan Society: One of Justin’s contacts at Japan Society runs the 333 Club, which invloves the following according to their homepage: Japan Society Members who are between the ages of 21 and 40 at the $500 Sponsor level or above to become a part of the 333 Club. Programs for our younger Members include meet-the-artist receptions, roundtable discussions with special guests and various other networking opportunities.
- Yakitori demonstration and tasting at Tori Shin restaurant
- Meet-the-Artist Reception with Basil Twist
- Summer Party/Miwa Yanagi Exhibition at Chelsea Art Museum
- Special Workshop and Reception at New York City Ballet
- Gallery Walk and Brunch with Making a Home Curator Eric Shiner
- Meet-the-Artist Reception with Yoshi Oida and David Stern
- Hands-on Pottery Workshop at Tougeikyoshitsu
- Meet-the-Artist Reception with B-saku Sato and Mitsuru Hirata
- Foreign Policy Roundtable with Dr. Tomohito Shinoda
- Meet-the-Artist Reception with rock shamisen artist Hiromitsu Agatsuma
- Artisanal Tea Tasting Dinner at Cha-an Teahouse
- Japanese Architecture Tour of New York
- Night at Yankees Stadium
If anyone’s interested in doing a piece on this, Justin will put you touch with someone. They likely already have a more detailed press release for this club, so the writer will just need to get a few quotes and wrap up with the club’s future plans and upcoming activities. Simple enough, right? Who’s in?
–SwirlySwirlDates.com: SwirlySwirl is run by one Charmane Tsang, an enterprising young New Yorker who’s taken speed dating international under the slogan of Meet, Chat, Swirl, Go Interracial. Each week SwirlySwirl has speed dating and networking events for people of different backgrounds (including matching Japanese with others in NYC). While the subject isn’t a JET alum, Charmane provides a service that might be useful to many JET alums out there, and I get you in touch with her for a possible feature story about the jungle-like world that is NYC dating.
-Restaurant Reviews: Another kind of story that we haven’t included for a few years now. Anyone been to a Japanese restaurant that you find yourself recommending to your friends over and over again? Might be worth spotlighing one in each issue, which is also good for our international community and opens the door for future gift certificate sponsors.
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