Apr 12

Job: Adjunct Programming/Coding Instructor – CIEE Kyoto (Kyoto, Japan)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Adjunct Programming/Coding Instructor
Posted by:
CIEE Kyoto
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Michele Fujii (Shiga-ken, 2010-2013) for passing along the following job opening.

Adjunct Programming Instructor for High School Summer Abroad Game Design HSSA GD Course

(June 16 – July 27, 2024)

  • 45 Contact Hours
  • Remuneration 400,000 JPY
  • Teaching location: Shijo Karasuma (1-minute from station)
  • 15-30 students
  • 9:00am -12:00pm Mondays – Fridays*

*The short-term, intensive course includes 45 contact hours during the period listed above. Contact hours will comprise both classroom lectures and hands-on programming time as well as offsite, instructor-led co-curricular activities. Students will be high school students from the United States. Courses will be taught in English and will be held in rental rooms at Kyoto Keizai Center in downtown Kyoto.

For more information about the program:

Application deadline: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 17:00 

Apr 11

Job: Data Consultant – The Data School New York (New York, New York)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Data Consultant
Posted by:
The Data School New York
Location: New York, New York
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Stanley Chen (Hyogo-ken, 2016-2021) for passing along the following pivoting opportunity.

About the job

Our application process is aptitude-based. This is only the first step – we’ll be in touch soon after reviewing your information with details about how to submit your dashboard!

The Information Lab has a simple mission: to help people make sense of data. We believe that companies that use data well will have better futures than those that don’t. We have helped clients such as The Vanguard Group, JPMorgan Chase, PwC, JLL, and Paramount Global do just that through specializing in and consulting on the leading products for data visualization and data integration – Tableau and Alteryx – since 2011.

As a consultant of The Data School, you will experience on-the-job training that is far more immersive and rewarding than traditional roles. The Data School offers a 28-month contract where we will pay you $62,400 in 2024 and then $64,340 in 2025 to learn about data and technology from some of the greatest data experts across the world (including six Tableau Visionaries and two Alteryx ACEs).

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Apr 10

Job: Program Coordinator – Kizuna Across Cultures (Remote)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Program Coordinator
Posted by:
Kizuna Across Cultures
Location: Remote
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Kizuna Across Cultures for passing along the following job opening.

KAC seeks an entry-level part-time Program Coordinator to join our bilingual team to support the administration of our programs and grants. This position is fully remote with flexible hours.

The Program Coordinator will provide programmatic and administrative support in all program functions including, but not limited to: preparation of grant proposals and reports; event planning, execution and follow-up; internal and external coordination and communication. Primary duties will involve supporting the administration and facilitation of the virtual Global Classmates Summit, taking place in July and August 2024.

Application Process: For more information and to apply, please click here – https://kacultures.org/en/join-team/

Apr 10

JET alum Bridget Ryan on working at a Lawson convenience store in Tokyo


Post by Bridget Ryan (ALT Shimane-ken, 2021-23)

Up until now, have never had any experience with cosplay or dressing up, but now twice a week I undergo a type of transformation. Since coming to Japan, I’ve thought how nice it would be to work at a convenience store. The employees always treat you so politely and with a smile, so I’ve come to love convenience stores. Last November, this dream became a reality. Twice a week I put on a uniform and work part-time at a convenience store called Lawson. Putting on my uniform, I transition from being a regular international student to a member of Japanese society.

“Irrashaimasei!” JET alum Bridget Ryan (Shimane-ken, 2021-23) in uniform working her shift at a Lawson conbeni in Tokyo.

Although I’ve done various part-time jobs and work since middle school, but I’ve never worn a uniform before. When I first put on the Lawson uniform, I understood why uniforms are necessary. Even though I’ve been in Japan for over two years, I still lack confidence speaking Japanese. However, when I wear the uniform, I feel more confident, like I’m part of the team, not just an individual. I confidently operate the cash register and assist customers in Japanese without worry. Additionally, I work with my colleagues to solve problems and keep the store clean and running smoothly.

7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Lawson: An Insider's Guide to Japan's Three Giant Convenience  Stores! | LIVE JAPAN travel guide

As a result, whether I’m working or not, I feel like I’m participating in Tokyo’s society. Japanese society can be quite uniform, so sometimes, outside of school life, I feel distant from the people in Tokyo. However, thanks to my transformation at the convenience store twice a week, I feel like I’m gradually becoming a part of Tokyo’s society. As long as I continue to live here as a student, I want to continue working part-time.

今までで、コスプレなどの経験がなかったが、週2回、私は変身にしている。日本に来てから、コンビニで働きたいないなと思っていた。いつも笑顔で丁寧に接するので、コンビニのことが大 好きになった。去年11月にこの夢が現実になった。1週間に2回制服を着て、ローソンというコン ビニでアルバイトをやっている。制服を着て、普通の留学生から日本の社会人になる。

中学生の時から色々なアルバイトや仕事をしてきたが、今まで制服を着たことがなかった。初め てローソンの制服を着たところ、ユニフォームを着なければならない理由が分かった。2年間以上 日本にいるのに、まだ日本語で話すことにまだ自信がなかなか持てない。しかし、制服を着ると 自信が出る。個人から、お店のチームに入っていると感じる。気にせずに日本語でレジをした り、お客さんをに手伝ったりする。そして、同僚と問題を解決したり、お店をきれいにしたりす

その結果、アルバイトをする時もしない時も、東京の社会に参加しているという感じを持って る。日本の社会はとても画一的なので、留学生にとって学校以外で東京の人々と距離を感じる時 もある。だが、週2回コンビニでの変身のおかげで、少しずつ東京の社会と距離が縮まるように なった。ここに住み続ける限り、アルバイトを続けたいと思う。

Evangelion-themed Convenience Store "Lawson Tokyo-3 Shop" Opened in Hakone  - GIGAZINE

Apr 9

Job: JET Program/MEXT Scholarship Coordinator – Consulate General of Japan (Miami, Florida)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: JET Program/MEXT Scholarship Coordinator
Posted by:
Consulate General of Japan
Location: Miami, Florida
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Christopher Brickey (Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture, 2016-2020) for passing along the following job opening.


  • Coordinating all aspects of the Japan Exchange & Teaching Program, including recruitment, candidate processing, JET Alumni volunteer management, travel planning, networking, orientation planning and presenting, and any other JETrelated activities
  • Coordinating all aspects of the MEXT Scholarships
  • Maintaining an updated record of educational institutions in Florida offering Japanese language
  • Research and report on a number of Japan related educational and cultural items in Florida.
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Apr 6

Job: Social Media Manager – Fujifilm Sonosite I (Bothell, WA, USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Social Media Manager
Posted by:
Fujifilm Sonosite I
Location: Bothell, WA, USA
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Janice Laureano (Niigata-ken, 2013-2017) for passing along the following job opening.

Lead the development and management of FFSS’s social media strategy as it relates to engagement, content performance, demand generation, brand awareness, and messaging for LinkedIn, Facebook,Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and beyond.

Application Process: For more information and to apply, please click here – https://uscareers-fujifilm.icims.com/jobs/26869/social-media-manager/job

Apr 5

Job: Domestic Admissions Counselor – Temple University (Kyoto, Japan)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Domestic Admissions Counselor (Student Recruiter)
Posted by:
Temple University, Japan Campus
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Contract: Full Time; Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) for passing along the following job opening.

Salary & benefits:

  • Commensurate with experience.
  • Eleven (11) days paid vacation in the first fiscal year (July-June) increasing to 20 days after 6 years of employment, plus 5 paid “personal and sick days” each year.
  • In addition, approximately two weeks company-wide break over Christmas/New Year.
  • Japanese social insurance and pension, commuting/telework allowance, a welfare-discount program membership, retirement payment system and tuition benefits for Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) programs.

Overview of position:

Starting in January 2025, Temple University will broaden its presence in Japan through the establishment of a new satellite campus in Kyoto. Over the past three years, TUJ has experienced unprecedented growth, including an 80% increase in its undergraduate student population. In connection with our new satellite campus in Kyoto and to support further growth in the Kansai region, TUJ is seeking a motivated and outgoing Admissions Counselor for the domestic Japanese market to support university recruiting and advise prospective students. The admissions counselor will be responsible for all aspects of student recruitment by visiting high schools and other educational institutions, attending university admission events, arranging information sessions and campus tours, and initiating campaigns to induce students to attend TUJ. Candidates should be either residing in or able to relocate to the Kansai region and be able to occasionally travel to Tokyo for training purposes. The role requires some travel within Japan.

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Apr 5

Job: Analyst in Foreign Affairs – U.S. Congressional Research Service (Washington, D.C., USA/Hybrid)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Analyst in Foreign Affairs
Posted by:
U.S. Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress)
Location: Washington, D.C., USA/Hybrid
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-1994) for passing along the following job opening.

The Asia Section covers Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific, including U.S. bilateral political and security relations in the region and multilateral affairs. The ideal candidate will have formal education, training, and/or experience conducting research on Asia, particularly Indo-Pacific security affairs OR South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific affairs and U.S. political and security relations with the region. The ideal candidate is expected to possess and enhance over time the skills necessary to provide legislative analysis and consultation to congressional committees, Members, and staff at increasingly sophisticated levels. The analyst may support research undertaken throughout CRS.

Application Process – For more information and to apply, please click here – https://www.loc.gov/item/careers/analyst-in-foreign-affairs-vacancyvar002724/

Apr 3

Job: Senior Fellow – German Marshall Fund (Washington, D.C., USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Senior Fellow
Posted by:
German Marshall Fund
Location: Washington, D.C., USA
Contract: Full Time

Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-1994) for passing along the following job opening.

Portions of the job posting are below, and the position seems focused on Japan and its multilateral connections to the U.S., Europe, Korea, and other Indo-Pacific partners.

Job Summary:

The Senior Fellow has primary responsibility for the Japan Trilateral Forum, managing the annual Track 1.5 dialogue with stakeholders in Asia, Europe, and the United States, as well as the annual Young Strategists Forum, and other projects related to Japan and Korea. The Senior Fellow conducts original research that links the emerging debates on Asia in Europe with the policy debates in Washington DC and supports the Indo Pacific Program’s efforts in building a strong network in the United States and Europe, as well as with Indo-Pacific partners. The Senior Fellow will also engage in fundraising and donor relations in support of the Indo Pacific Program’s work.

Essential Duties/Responsibilities (in order of importance):

  • Design and plan the annual Japan Trilateral Forum in close coordination with the Brussels-based Indo Pacific Senior Program Officer.
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Apr 1

Job: Management and Program Analyst – Japan-United States Friendship Commission (Washington, D.C., USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Management and Program Analyst
Posted by:
Japan-United States Friendship Commission
Location: Washington, D.C., USA
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Jessyca Livingston (Hokkaido-ken, 2003-2006) for passing along the following job opening.

The primary purpose of this position is to ensure the seamless functioning of the United States-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange panel (CULCON) and other associated binational activities.

Duties performed:

  • Developing and relaying information on CULCON programs of interest to cultural and educational organizations in the United States and Japan.
  • Preparing background reports on specific U.S.-Japan topics for CULCON panel attendees.
  • Developing strategic partnerships and preparing budgets and grant proposals for CULCON activities in the United States and Japan.
  • Coordinating U.S-Japan task forces and CULCON secretariat-initiated activities to meet goals and set priorities.

Application Process: For more information and to apply, please click here –  https://www.usajobs.gov/job/783681400

Apr 1

Job: Business Strategy Manager – Quick USA (Orlando, FL, USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Business Strategy Manager
Posted by:
Quick USA
Location: Orlando, FL, USA
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Carlos Medina (Oita-ken, 2019-2022) for passing along the following job opening.

A Japanese management company is currently looking for a full time, fully onsite Business Strategy Manager to join their team for their Orlando, FL team. This position is for a very well-known theme park in Florida where the use of both English and Japanese will be essential on top of previous marketing or business development experience.

JET Alumni are encouraged to apply as they are familiar with Japanese work culture. Also, the skills attained during their time in JET could become important for this position.
As a Business Strategy Manager, your essential duties would include:

  • Assessing the company’s target market and industry and developing strategies to gain new clients.
  • Develop, prepare, and support the company’s business strategy plan.
  • Support the business contract renewal.
  • Maintaining relationships with current clients
  • Plan, lead, execute and maintain the property remodeling project.
  • Plan and promote kaizen initiatives in the organization.
  • Monitor and enforce compliance
  • Researching prospective accounts in targeted markets, pursuing leads, and constructing agreements
  • Identifying new prospects within the industry and preparing detailed sales presentations
  • Other duties as assigned.
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Mar 27

Job: Social Media Specialist – Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C.(Washington, D.C., USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Social Media Specialist 
Posted by:
Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C.
Location: Washington, D.C., USA
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Sarah Morris (Ishikawa Prefecture, 2016-2022) for passing along the following job opening.

The Embassy of Japan is seeking a highly motivated, team-oriented individual for the position of Social Media Specialist. This individual is mainly responsible for running the social media platforms of the Embassy of Japan in Washington, DC as a core member of the Embassy’s Public Diplomacy efforts.

Working hours are in-person from 10:00 am – 6:30 pm (lunch from 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm), Monday through Friday, with regular evening hours to cover events (paid overtime). The minimum monthly salary for this position is $5,000. Salary is commensurate with experience.

Please note that the Coordinator is an independent contractor to the Embassy and will not be deemed an employee of the Embassy for any purpose whatsoever. This position includes paid leave, but does NOT include group health insurance coverage.

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Mar 27

Job: Travel Consultant, Japan Specialist – Inside Travel Group (Remote)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Travel Consultant, Japan Specialist
Posted by:
Inside Travel Group
Location: Remote (Remote in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IN, ME, MN, NC, NV, OR, PA)
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Inside Travel Group for passing along the following job opening.

Description: Advance your career in travel sales! Create unforgettable experiences and share your love for Japan. Join our team of experts and make every client journey unforgettable!

As a Travel Consultant, you will use your extensive understanding of Japan to create unforgettable cultural adventures for our clients. Exceptional time management, confidence, communication, and organization are a must for efficiently prioritizing tasks and providing top-notch service for both new clients and ongoing bookings. High performance will be rewarded with sales and customer service-based commission, along with regular familiarization trips to our destination countries to enhance your knowledge.

What You Will be Doing:

  • Consult with customers to identify their individual holiday requirements.
  • Create high-quality tailor-made itineraries based on customer requirements.
  • Work to achieve individual and team sales targets.
  • Co-ordinate all aspects of the customer booking to ensure successful delivery of trip.
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Mar 26

JQ Magazine: Nippon in New York — ‘SPY x FAMILY’ Movie, The Joy of Sake, World Championship Sumo

By JQ magazine editor Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02). Justin has written about Japanese arts and entertainment for JETAA since 2005. For more of his articles, click here.

Spring has sprung in the Big Apple, and that means one thing: a new season of sounds, colors, and spectacular performing arts to match the blossoming sakura trees throughout the city.

This month’s highlights include: 

Russ Rowland

Now through June 2 

The Life and Slimes of Marc Summers

New World Stages, 340 West 50th Street

$39-$149 reserved seats, $299 VIP with meet-and-greet, front seats and gift bag 

On your mark! Get set! Go! to this one-of-a-kind intimate theatrical adventure that will leave you inspired, hopeful and feeling like a kid again. Marc Summers, the host of internationally renowned shows like Nickelodeon’s Double Dare and Food Network’s Unwrapped, tells all about his extraordinary life in this part game show-part memoir-all heart theatrical adventure which the New York Times calls “as satisfying as riding down a spiraling slide into a giant ice-cream sundae.”Written by Alex Brightman and directed by Chad Rabinovitz, the creative team includes original music by Drew Gasparini and co-sound design by David Sheehan and Hidenori Nakajo.

Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.

Tuesday, April 2, 8:00 p.m.

Queen Bee

Sony Hall, 235 West 46th Street

$35 standing room only, $55 VIP reserved seating

Queen Bee is a band from Japan formed in 2009. With their unique and intense performances and newsworthy activities in various fields, they have created abuzz not only in the music industry but also in various other fields. Their songs rank high on music charts, and their live shows are sold out in in many places, boasting an overwhelming presence in terms of both popularity and ability. Their songs have also been used for popular anime such as “Mephisto,” the ending theme for the anime OSHI NO KO and “01,” the opening theme for the anime UNDEAD UNLUCK and “VIOLENCE,” the ending theme for the anime Chainsaw Man and “Kaen (Fire),” the opening theme for the anime Dororo and “HALF,” the ending theme for the anime Tokyo Ghoul:re. A statement provided by the band exclaims: “Queen Bee’s first performance in New York! I can’t wait to cause a frenzy across languages and borders. You may have heard of us from anime, or maybe from our attitude or world view. I promise you it will be an extraordinary night in New York, that will make you want to celebrate our meeting.”

Courtesy of Sonyhall.com

Monday, April 8, 8:00 p.m.

Keiko Matsui

Sony Hall, 235 West 46th Street 

$35 GA seating, $75 VIP reserved seating

“This album is about the hope that we all carry inside of us,” shares internationally acclaimed pianist, composer and humanitarian, Keiko Matsui, who has worked with everyone from Miles Davis, Stevie Wonder, Bob James, and Hugh Masekela. “I have this dream where we can each cherish our own happiness and learn to accept and care for one another.” There is a reason why the stunning, soft-spoken, and petite powerhouse with such a commanding presence at the piano has amassed a devout following through the years. “When I tour around the world and witness how my music cuts through our differences and connects everyone, it makes me feel euphoric!” exclaims Keiko, who harnesses this joy on her 30th recording Euphoria. She enlists an all-star contingency of special guests including vocalist, and daughter of Donny Hathaway, Lalah Hathaway, trumpeter Randy Brecker, guitarist Mike Stern, saxophonist Kirk Whalum, vibist Joel Ross, harmonica player Grégoire Maret and pianist/arranger John Beasley. Keiko concludes, “During the past few years, I have witnessed the loss of life and seen people’s sadness and it has been really painful, but it has helped to remind me of the precious gift of time and the importance of gratitude for what I have now,” confides Keiko.” “Euphoria is my gift to my fans around the world.”

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Mar 19

Job: Adjunct Lectuter – CIEE Kyoto (Kyoto, Japan)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Adjunct Lectuter (various fields)
Posted by:
CIEE Kyoto
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Contract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship

Thanks to Michele Fujii (Shiga-ken, 2010-2013) for passing along the following job opening.

Learn more about CIEE Kyoto at ciee.org.

CIEE Kyoto is recruiting for the following positions:

Adjunct Lecturer of “Culture and Cuisine in Japan” (May 16-June 20, 2024)
60 Contact Hours
Remuneration 400,000 JPY & 15,000 JPY Transport Stipend
Teaching location: Shijo Karasuma (1-minute from station)
15-30 students
16:00-18:30 Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Teaching about Japanese culture & cuisine in English to US undergraduate students studying abroad in Kyoto

Adjunct Lecturer of “Japanese Media, Anime, and Film” (May 16-June 20, 2024)
60 Contact Hours
Remuneration 400,000 JPY & 15,000 JPY Transport Stipend
Teaching location: Shijo Karasuma (1-minute from station)
15-30 students
16:00-18:30 Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Teaching about Japanese media, anime, and film in English to US undergraduate students studying abroad in Kyoto

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