Just heard from Aaron Woolfolk (Kochi-ken, 1991-93), writer and director of the film The Harimaya Bridge (starring Ben Guillory, Saki Takaoka, Misa Shimizu, and Danny Glover, who is also the Executive Producer), that the film is now available on DVD in Japan.
JetWit would love to have a copy of the DVD for JETAA NY purposes, so if you’re in Japan and can get a hold of a The Harimaya Bridge DVD, let me know. (jetwit [/at/] jetwit [/dot/] com.)
Meanwhile, the Aaron has continued showing The Harimaya Bridge at film festivals around the U.S. and reports that the film is due out in theaters in the U.S. in the spring.
The JET alumni community already has a great reputation for writers such as Bruce Feiler, Roland Kelts and James Kennedy among others. And now we’re starting to make our mark on the world of film as well.
JET alum Aaron Woolfolk‘s film The Harimaya Bridge, starring starring Ben Guillory, Saki Takaoka, Misa Shimizu, and Danny Glover (who is also the Executive Producer), is making its New York debut on Sunday December 6 (with Q&A and cocktail reception to follow) and Sunday December 13 as part of the African Diaspora Film Festival.
(Editor’s Note: I already bought my ticket for the Dec 6 date!)
The film had a nationwide theatrical release in Japan beginning in June, and the response from audiences and critics was fantastic. (There was also a showing in Los Angeles back in June that a number of JETAA Southern California JET alums attended.)
The film will be showing in New York:
- Sunday, December 6 @ 5:30PM – Thalia Cinema, Symphony Space (95th & Bway) – GALA SCREENING. Followed by a Q&A with director and catered reception
- Sunday, Dec. 13 @ 7:30PM- Thalia Cinema, Symphony Space (95th & Bway)
This looks to be a big event for the JET alum community, so get your tickets now and hope to see you there.
Here’s the trailer for the film:
Video: Roland Kelts keynote speech at U of Missouri

Here are two videos of Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, from a keynote speech he gave at the University of Missouri in St. Louis back in October.
In the first, he talks about the connection between manga and anime and traditional Japanese line-based aesthetics–or what Takashi Murakami now calls “Superflat”:
And in the second video, he discusses the fundamental differences between American visual iconography and Japanese sensibilities, with a reference to Pokemon in America and McDonald’s in Japan:
WITvid #2: “ALT in Japan”

WITvid is a periodic series by Peter Weber (Saitama-ken 2004-07), the JET Program Coordinator in San Francisco.
This video was brought to my attention by Rhea Young, JET Program Coordinator at the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit.
This piece (posted by draginboll) was featured on Japanese television about the treatment of some Assistant Language Teachers in Japan. Although I feel some of the views are biased and extreme (especially the references to the JET Program) it is very interesting. It just goes to show, ” Every Situation Is Different (ESID)” does not only apply to the JET Program.
WITvid #1: “ALT Rap”

WITvid is a periodic series by Peter Weber (Saitama-ken 2004-07), the JET Program Coordinator in San Francisco.
I thought that JetWit could use some video content from time to time, so I figured I would help and contribute by adding JET and Japan related video links. If you have any suggestions do not hesitate to contact me at jet [at] cgjsf.org.
I thought I would start off with a video that was popular a few years ago titled “ALT Rap” by Rob Holbrook aka veloboy (Osaka-shi). Enjoy!
Video: Roland Kelts interviewed by Japan Society (NY) at New York Anime Festival 2009

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, was interviewed by Japan Society of New York at the New York Anime Festival 2009 which was held September 25-27 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center. Let’s go to the video tape:
Part 1 of the interview:
Part 2 of the interview:
Vote for ‘Herbivores’ on Food2

Hi, it’s your Jetwit webmaster Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken ’03-’06) here. I have a quick favor to ask you all.
“Herbivores,” the stop-motion animation video that I made with my friend Elizabeth Fuller last year has made it to the top 10 semifinals of the First Annual Food2 Summer Challenge. We desperately need your votes to help us win the grand prize. Please vote for us here. You need to sign in to vote, but you can log in using your Facebook or MySpace account. It only takes a minute.
Thanks so much for your help!
JetWit webmaster Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06) comments after the jump on The Cove, a new documentary about dolphin hunting in Japan. Please feel free to share your own thoughts regarding this controversial film in the comments section of this post.
Current JETs, this is another reason for your students to improve their eigo.
JetWits and Pieces: Japanese toilet training video

Who says the JET alumni network doesn’t do enough things aimed at JET alums with kids? There are a whole slew of JET alum writers with children’s books, not to mention Suzanne Kamata’s (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) book Call Me Okaasan: Adventures in Multicultural Mothering (which I’m in the middle of reading right now and enjoying very much).
And now this helpful video (which is also good for plain old language study to boot).
Meanwhile, though the video may be unconscious satire in its own right, there are actually several parody versions of this video posted to YouTube as well.
Thanks to CLAIR-NY’s Taichi Hanzawa for posting this nifty video by Nakashima Miyuki on his Facebook status page:
JetWit Blog Beat by Crystal Wong (Iwate-ken, 2002-04) is a recurring item featuring posts from the blogs of various JET alumni. Crystal is a formerEnglish-language writer for Kyodo News. She now works as a media planner in Chelsea and sorely misses all her favorite midtown ramen joints.
Happy hanami season, everyone!
JET alumni Kevin and Aaron seek to educate the masses about Japanese manners on their new blog, iSpeakJapanese. The video covers all the basics that can be a mystery to gaijin, including indoor and outdoor shoes, chopsticks, and tipping as well and a funny tale to boot.
MEF alum Bruce Rutledge, founder of the Chin Music Press in Seattle introduces new members of his staff.
Devon Brown (Tokyo-to, 2002-2004) shares her tips for a hanami picnic this weekend.
Even more video from the JET Alumni Author Showcase

Thanks to Lawrence Brenner (www.lawrencebrenner.com), an online video and content specialist who covers a lot of Roland Kelts’ events, we have even more video from the JET Alumni Author Showcase laid out in nice YouTube video clips:
Seattle-based Kevin Kajitani (Kyogo-ken, 2006-07) just let us know about his blog, iSpeakJapanese.net, which features current events as well as videos and other tools for learning or improving your Japanese. Kevin, who was featured in the Winter 2009 issue of JQ (JETAA NY Quarterly) Magazine, is the co-founder of Speakit LLC along with his partner Aaron.
As you’ll notice, Kevin and Aaron have a rather unique and creative approach to Japanese language and culture learning.
In case you missed it (or enjoyed it so much you want to relive it), below is a highlights clip from the JET Alumni Author Showcase along with clips of each of the three author readings, all of which took place March 22 in NYC. (Bonus tip: Try to picture each author teaching an English class in a Japanese high school as you watch them do their readings.)
Highlight Clips
James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of The Order of Odd-Fish
Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S.
Robert P. Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-04), author of Zorgamazoo